Thousands of news articles are uploaded every day. With different sources and different points of view, it can be hard to filter through the various reports. We propose to explore this problem domain through this project and focus on these areas to address the challenges that different individuals might face when looking up the news for today.
A big challenge that many people face is knowing what is happening in the world and what the top stories are. They are often overwhelmed with the vast majority of articles from different countries and different languages. We will track the current news articles released for the day and filter them based on region and language. Through this sorting method, users will be able to easily visualize the stories in the world based on the area, and have the option to select the preference of their language.
Another issue that users face is selecting the current events articles that they should read based on relevancy. Our goal is to provide a visual aid for news and display countries/regions with the most events going on at the given moment. On top of that, we want to give the user the option to select their desired time frame and update the results of the news based on the selected date(s).
In conclusion, this project will try to solve the problem of abundant and redundant news articles. We will strive to educate the population about current events, so more people are aware of what is currently going around in the world through accurate sources.
The application will show a map where the user can click on specific countries which will display the links to the latest news articles from that region. Each news article will contain a title, a designated visual, a short summary, and the date. In addition to that, the user will be presented with the option to filter the news articles based on a given time frame and language. Our team hopes to show the news articles that are more relevant to them. The program will also have a feature that will color code the regions based on the top stories in today’s world - essentially an activity heat map.