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gwarser edited this page May 17, 2023 · 61 revisions

This project has been abandoned & discontinued.

There has been no activity by the author since November 2016.

Please uninstall the userscript/filterlist and everything associated with this project and DO NOT POST ON THE ISSUE TRACKER/WIKI EITHER.

Instead, it is advised to install AdGuard as well as the successor (actively maintained fork) of this abandoned fork reek/anti-adblock-killer which is located at

Combining the aforementioned WebExtension/app (which have some degree of native Anti-adblock countermeasures that however won't work in many places) and bogachenko/fuckfuckadblock filter list, will provide you with optimal coverage against Anti-adblockers.

Note: on 15-05-2023, krystian3w has vandalised (1 / 2) this wiki page. Please refrain from doing so again. It is not up to you (or anyone that's part of bogachenko/uBlockOrigin's censorship war against 'fuckfuckadblock' repo) to decide that uBlock-Origin sentiments or its operational state to this/its successor repo, are at all relevant to the right of this/its successor repo to exist, and for users that are looking for its functionality in AdBlockers, to become aware of it. uBlockOrigin folks have no say in filters like this or its successor, let alone in wiki pages of such projects they have no say in, please get out and take your anti-user agenda elsewhere.

Rather than apply global cancel culture to a filter list such as fuckfuckadblock as soon a major plugin, uBlockOrigin, thinks it can call the shots and take censorship upon themselves, you should think about the chance a group of users will take a different route: move to another plugin, one that doesn't exhibit such behavior. Like AdGuard. See also fuckfuckadblock/issues/423 to be motivated for joining me in any reverting fight that may ensue.

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