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cgarciae edited this page Jan 4, 2015 · 5 revisions

redstone_mapper_mongo is a MongoDB extension for redstone_mapper.

This package is a wrapper for the mongo_dart driver.


Create a MongoDbManager to manage connections with the database:

var dbManager = new MongoDbManager("mongodb://localhost/dbname", poolSize: 3);

If you are using redstone_mapper as a Redstone.dart plugin, you can pass a MongoDbManager to getMapperPlugin(), so a database connection will be available for every request:

import 'package:redstone/server.dart' as app;
import 'package:redstone_mapper/plugin.dart';
import 'package:redstone_mapper_mongo/manager.dart';

main() {
  var dbManager = new MongoDbManager("mongodb://localhost/dbname", poolSize: 3);

//redstone_mapper will create a "dbConn" attribute
//for every request.
listUsers(@app.Attr() MongoDb dbConn) =>
//If you prefer, you can also create a getter to access the
//database connection of the current request, so
//you don't need to add an extra parameter for every route.
MongoDb get mongoDb => app.request.attributes.dbConn;

The MongoDb object is a wrapper that provides helper functions for encoding and decoding objects:

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:redstone/server.dart' as app;
import 'package:redstone_mapper/mapper.dart';
import 'package:redstone_mapper/plugin.dart';
import 'package:redstone_mapper_mongo/manager.dart';
import 'package:redstone_mapper_mongo/metadata.dart';

class User {
  //@Id is a special annotation to handle the "_id" document field, 
  //it instructs redstone_mapper to convert ObjectId values to String, 
  //and vice versa.
  String id;

  String username;

  String password;

  String bestFriend;

  //the field can also be a list
  List<String> friends;

MongoDb get mongoDb => app.request.attributes.dbConn;

Future<List<User>> listUsers() => 
  //query documents from the "users" collection, and decode
  //the result to List<User>.
  mongoDb.find("users", User); 

@app.Route("/services/users/add", methods: const[app.POST])
Future addUser(@Decode() User user) => 
  //encode user, and insert it in the "users" collection.
  mongoDb.insert("users", user);

However, the MongoDb class doesn't hide the mongo_dart API. You can access a DbCollection with the MongoDb.collection() method. Also, you can access the original connection object with the MongoDb.innerConn property.

Moreover, you can use a MongoDbService to handle operations that concerns the same document type:

MongoDbService<User> userService = new MongoDbService<User>("users");

Future<List<User>> listUsers() => userService.find(); 

@app.Route("/services/users/add", methods: const[app.POST])
Future addUser(@Decode() User user) => userService.insert(user);

You can use the reference ids to query for the real objects

getFriends(@app.Attr() MongoDb dbConn, String id) 
    return dbConn.findOne("users", User, user){
        var friendIds = (StringToId).toList();
        return dbConn.find("users", User, where.oneFrom("_id", friendIds));

//Useful shortcut
StringToId (String id) => new ObjectId.fromHexString(id);

It's also possible to inherit from MongoDbService:

Class UserService extends MongoDbService<User> {

  UserService() : super("users");

  Future<List<User>> list() => find();

  Future add(@Decode() User user) => insert(user);


MongoDbService will by default use the database connection associated with the current request. If you are not using Redstone.dart, be sure to use the MongoDbService.fromConnection() constructor to create a new service.