How to setup and run a datadog for the redis enterprise prometheus endpoint
This can be run as a vagrant container detailed below. If you would like to use to collect Redis Cloud data see Redis Cloud Setup
- Ansible installation
- Vagrant installation
- Datadog Application key and API key get here
- Terraform to setup the dashboard and alerts get here
- Access to the Prometheus Exporter Endpoint
This repo contains everything necessary to spin up a local data dog collector and terraform configurations for setting up Datadog to recognize the telemetry data coming in. The absolute minimum required is that you copy the datadog configuration file and populate it while running the terraform (documented below).
- copy ansible/vars/main.yml.example to ansible/vars/main.yml and add the datadog key
- install the necessary Ansible modules
cd ansible && rm -rf roles/* && ansible-galaxy install --roles-path roles -r requirements.yml
- vagrant up