scripts can be run jenkins jobs to do varioustasks
programming concepts in python
linux daily tasks automation scripts
git Setup and Init
* git config --global "[firstname lastname]"
* git config --global "[valid-email]"
* git config --global color.ui auto
* git init
* git clone [url]
git Stage and Snapshot
* git status
* git add [file]
* git reset [file]
* git diff
* git diff --staged
* git commit -m "[descrpitive message]"
git Branch and Merge
* git branch
* git branch [branch-name]
* git checkout
* git merge [branch]
* git log
git Share and Update
* git remote add [alias] [url]
* git fetch [alias]
* git merge [alias]/[branch]
* git push [alias] [branch]
* git pull
git Tracking path changes
* git rm [file]
* git mv [existing-path] [new-path]
* git log --stat -M
git rewrite history
* git rebase [branch]
* git reset --hard [commit]
git Temporary Commits
* git stash
* git stash list
* git stash pop
* git stash drop