Powerful but simple cli boilerplate generator
- Clear: Human readable config file do what you mean
- Useful: Can insert code in already existing modules
- Flexible: Can transform, reuse and extend answers on the fly
Reduce file creation routine from dev process for one side. From other is to increase the code quality by automating new code injection. It allows you to have strict code agreements cross over their project, and decrease the onboarding process.
$ npm install --save @recli/cli
or if you use yarn
$ yarn add @recli/cli
You can run ReCli directly from the CLI (if it's globally available in your PATH
, e.g. by yarn global add @recli/cli
or npm install @recli/cli --global
) with a variety of useful options.
Here's how to run ReCli and have debug
recli --test
After install you can start using it
// using ES6 modules
import { cliOf } from '@recli/cli'
// using CommonJS modules
const { cliOf } = require("@recli/cli");
On init ou must pass module to second argument.
For work with user inputs used Inquirer.js. You can freely use it api his API as is.
cliOf('Create something', module) // global node.js module
name: 'variableName',
message: 'How we name it?',
type: 'input'
Full API for generators are here:
const { cliOf, useImport, usePath, useCustom, file, childProcess } = require("@recli/cli");
cliOf('Create reducer', module)
name: 'reducerName',
message: 'Reducer name',
type: 'input'
name: 'model',
message: 'Reducer data model',
type: 'input'
.setAnswers((answers) => {
// extend answers object with new data
return {
reducerName: answers.reducerName,
model: answers.model,
upperCaseReducerName: answers.reducerName.toUpperCase(),
otherVariable: 'My name is John Cena',
.move(['./reducer.template.js'], '../../fake/destination')
.rename('../../fake/destination/reducer.template.js', (answers) => {
return `${answers.reducerName}.js`;
.useHooks('../../fake/destination/store.js', (answers) => [
useImport(`./${answers.file2}`, answers.file2),
useCustom({regex, content}),
message: 'Witch styles do you use?',
type: 'list',
name: 'style',
choices: [
{name: 'style.template.scss', value: 'Scss'},
{name: 'style.template.less', value: 'Less'},
.call((answers) => {
// do any wiered stuff you need,
// use setAnswers other vice to store result
return axios.get(`./ping-hook/?${answers.style}`)
.check((answers, goTo) => {
if (answers.continue) {
.move((answers) => [
{from: './' + answers.style, to: 'style/' + answers.style}
], '../../fake/destination')
name: 'nestedGenerator',
message: 'Pick one of nesteds...',
type: 'list',
choices: () => file.getAvailableGenerators('examples/generators/**/index.js'),
.useGenerator((answers) => require(answers.nestedGenerator))
name: 'pickTask',
message: 'Which task does we run?',
type: 'list',
choices: () => {
return [
'npm run build',
'tsc --emitDeclarationOnly'
.call(async (answers) => {
await childProcess.spawn(answers.pickTask);
Notes all callback functions can be async or return promise, to apply pause on the task.
Case conversion:
var { to } = require('@recli/cli')
to.camel('what_the_heck') // "whatTheHeck"
to.capital('what the heck') // "What The Heck"
to.constant('whatTheHeck') // "WHAT_THE_HECK"
to.dot('whatTheHeck') // "what.the.heck"
to.inverse('whaT tHe HeCK') // "WHAt ThE HeCK"
to.lower('whatTheHeck') // "what the heck"
to.pascal('what.the.heck') // "WhatTheHeck"
to.sentence('WHAT THE HECK.') // "What the heck."
to.slug('whatTheHeck') // "what-the-heck"
to.snake('whatTheHeck') // "what_the_heck"
to.space('what.the.heck') // "what the heck"
to.title('what the heck') // "What the Heck"
to.upper('whatTheHeck') // "WHAT THE HECK"
var { validation } = require('@recli/cli')
cliOf('validation', module)
// adding question
name: 'libraryName',
message: 'Please enter the name of module you want to import.',
type: 'input',
validate: validation.validate([
default: 'lodash'
The core feature all around is code injectors to existed files. We call it hooks, to be on hype.
It works like so. Let's imagine you have a file called router.js
. After new route
generation you want to append new route here.
So, let's add some hook to the router.js
import React from "react";
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link } from "react-router-dom";
import { HomeRoute } from './home-route';
/* recli:use-import */
function AppRouter() {
return (
<Route path="/about/" component={HomeRoute} />
{/* recli:use-route */}
export default AppRouter;
So step after generation we expect to have like this
import React from "react";
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link } from "react-router-dom";
import { HomeRoute } from './home-route';
import { NewRoute } from './new-route';
/* recli:use-import */
function AppRouter() {
return (
<Route path="/about/" component={HomeRoute} />
<Route path="/new-route/" component={NewRoute} />
{/* recli:use-route */}
export default AppRouter;
To make it done we have hooks:
- useImport -> useImport(
{ NewRoute }
) -> import { NewRoute } from './new-route'; - usePath -> usePath(
) ->'./new-route',
- useModuleName -> useModuleName(
) ->NodeModule,
- useCustom -> useCustom({ regex, content }) -> content
they are applied to file by
cliOf('My awesome task')
.useHooks('path', (answers) => [
useImport(`{${answers.camelCaseName}}`, `./${answers.name}.js`),
regex: /(\s*)(\/\*.*recli:use-module-name.*\*\/)/,
content: `$1${moduleName}$1$2,`,
npm install @recli/cli
// or
yarn add @recli/cli
it's possible to use it by global setup
npm install @recli/cli -g
// or
yarn add @recli/cli -g
The default agreements you should have generators
folder at project root with your own generators are inside folders.
Other words, your generators should match the path: generators/**/index*
To override default behavior is simple (following same markup: https://storybook.js.org/docs/guides/guide-react/)
To do that, create a file at .recli/config.js
with the following content:
const { configure } = require("@recli/cli");
function loadStories() {
// You can require as many stories as you need.
configure(loadStories, module);
But the full file path will resolved to node.js
module and will execute it.
Let's say you wan't to have generators like stand alone module, to share it cross over the projects you have. Let's say it have name: @recli/xxx-generators
The code markup can looks like:
create a file at
with the following content:const { configure } = require("recli"); function loadStories() { require("./generators/**/*.gen.js"); } configure(loadStories, module);
make sure you have
main section like that:"main": "index.js",
the @recli/cli will try to find the generators in that node module by using the
you prodive atindex.js
You can't use modern syntax different to Node.js you have installed. Cause we doesn't use babel
, webpack
is written by using TS. So you will receive the extra IDE help by using TS for generators. But, you have to compile them. It should be simple for stand alone set of generators.