See 2a5-api first and follow "Deploy Development (locally)"
2a5-api-development 3000 2a5-db-development 5432
You need to install on your local workstation:
- git
- nodejs
- npm
- docker
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install your environment
cd 2a5-app
npm install
Run the nodejs development server (It supports hot reload):
npm run dev
Start coding and open http://localhost:3001 with your browser of choice to check the result. The system supports hot reload.
Stop it with CTRL+C
The container will join the existing 2a5 network (It supports hot reload):
docker compose up --build --watch
Stop it by ctrl+c or if detached:
docker compose down
Delete all generated files
rm -rf .next/ node_modules/ next-env.d.ts