Contains the core data pipeline resource setup in AWS which includes Glue, SQS and various S3 Buckets.
From the quest-data-pipeline/ directory, run the following commands:
npm install -g cdk
npm run cdk deploy -- --parameters bucketNamePrefix=<prefix>
If the aws account you're deploy to was never boostrapped before, run the following command before deploying:
npm run cdk bootstrap aws://<account-id>/us-east-1
Contains resources for bootstrapping a new vendor allowing the aws account to upload files to the data pipeline account.
From the quest-vendor-bootstrap/ directory, run the following commands:
npm install -g cdk
npm run cdk deploy -- --parameters accountId=<account> --parameters vendorName=<vendor>
Examples are located in the scripts/ directory. The following command can be used for uploading a file to the data pipeline (replacing parameters with actual resource names/urls):
sh test-vendor test-vendor-bucket
To see a very basic example using connectors, execute:
sh test-vendor test-vendor-bucket $replace_with_QuestDataPipelineStack.csvqueueUrl
The corresponding job will connect and transform the file from .csv to .json