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Merge pull request #244 from gpetiot/parameterize-toplevel-env
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Mdx_top.init can be parameterized by dirs, packages and predicates
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gpetiot authored Nov 16, 2020
2 parents 04bc092 + eed6ce8 commit b056a89
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Showing 7 changed files with 464 additions and 352 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion bin/test/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
(run %{bin:cppo} -V OCAML:%{ocaml_version} %{input-file})))
(libraries cli
(libraries cli mdx.test))
364 changes: 18 additions & 346 deletions bin/test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,361 +15,33 @@

open Mdx
open Compat
open Result
open Astring
open Migrate_ast
open Mdx.Util.Result.Infix

let src = Logs.Src.create "cram.test"

module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG)

let ( / ) = Filename.concat

(* From jbuilder's stdlib *)
let ansi_color_strip str =
let len = String.length str in
let buf = Buffer.create len in
let rec loop i =
if i = len then Buffer.contents buf
match str.[i] with
| '\027' -> skip (i + 1)
| c ->
Buffer.add_char buf c;
loop (i + 1)
and skip i =
if i = len then Buffer.contents buf
else match str.[i] with 'm' -> loop (i + 1) | _ -> skip (i + 1)
loop 0

let output_from_line s =
`Output (String.drop ~rev:true ~sat:Char.Ascii.is_blank s)

let with_dir root f =
match root with
| None -> f ()
| Some d -> (
let old_d = Sys.getcwd () in
Sys.chdir d;
let r = f () in
Sys.chdir old_d;
with e ->
Sys.chdir old_d;
raise e )

let get_env blacklist =
let env = Array.to_list (Unix.environment ()) in
let env = (String.cuts ~sep:"=") env in
let f env var =
let g l = (List.nth l 0) var <> 0 in
List.filter g env
let env = List.fold_left f env blacklist in
Array.of_list ( (String.concat ~sep:"=") env)

let run_test ?root blacklist temp_file t =
let cmd = Cram.command_line t in
let env = get_env blacklist in (fun l -> l "exec: %S" cmd);
let fd = Unix.openfile temp_file [ O_WRONLY; O_TRUNC ] 0 in
let pid =
with_dir root (fun () ->
Unix.create_process_env "sh" [| "sh"; "-c"; cmd |] env Unix.stdin fd fd)
Unix.close fd;
match snd (Unix.waitpid [] pid) with WEXITED n -> n | _ -> 255

let root_dir ?root ?block () =
match (block : Block.t option) with
| Some { dir = None; _ } -> root
| Some { dir = Some d; loc = { loc_start = { pos_fname; _ }; _ }; _ } -> (
match root with
| Some r -> Some (r / d)
| None -> Some (Filename.dirname pos_fname / d) )
| None -> root

let resolve_root file dir root =
match root with None -> dir / file | Some r -> r / dir / file

let run_cram_tests ?syntax t ?root ppf temp_file pad tests =
Block.pp_header ?syntax ppf t;
let pad = match syntax with Some Cram -> pad + 2 | _ -> pad in
(fun test ->
let root = root_dir ?root ~block:t () in
let blacklist = Block.unset_variables t in
let n = run_test ?root blacklist temp_file test in
let lines = Mdx.Util.File.read_lines temp_file in
let output =
let output = output_from_line lines in
if Output.equal output test.output then test.output
else Output.merge output test.output
Cram.pp_command ~pad ppf test;
| `Ellipsis -> Output.pp ~pad ppf `Ellipsis
| `Output line ->
let line = ansi_color_strip line in
Output.pp ~pad ppf (`Output line))
Cram.pp_exit_code ~pad ppf n)
Block.pp_footer ?syntax ppf t

let eval_test ?block ?root c cmd =
Log.debug (fun l -> l "eval_test %a" Fmt.(Dump.list (Fmt.fmt "%S")) cmd);
let root = root_dir ?root ?block () in
with_dir root (fun () -> Mdx_top.eval c cmd)

let err_eval ~cmd lines =
Fmt.epr "Got an error while evaluating:\n---\n%a\n---\n%a\n%!"
Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit "\n") string)
Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit "\n") string)
exit 1

let eval_raw ?block ?root c cmd =
match eval_test ?block ?root c cmd with
| Ok _ -> ()
| Error e -> err_eval ~cmd e

let split_lines lines =
let aux acc s =
(* XXX(samoht) support windowns *)
let lines = String.cuts ~sep:"\n" s in
List.append lines acc
List.fold_left aux [] (List.rev lines)

let eval_ocaml ~block ?syntax ?root c ppf cmd errors =
let update ~errors = function
| { Block.value = OCaml v; _ } as b ->
{ b with value = OCaml { v with errors } }
(* [eval_ocaml] only called on OCaml blocks *)
| _ -> assert false
match eval_test ?root ~block c cmd with
| Ok _ -> Block.pp ?syntax ppf (update ~errors:[] block)
| Error lines ->
let errors =
let lines = split_lines lines in
let output = output_from_line lines in
if Output.equal output errors then errors
| `Ellipsis -> `Ellipsis
| `Output x -> `Output (ansi_color_strip x))
(Output.merge output errors)
Block.pp ?syntax ppf (update ~errors block)

let lines = function Ok x | Error x -> x

let run_toplevel_tests ?syntax ?root c ppf tests t =
Block.pp_header ?syntax ppf t;
(fun (test : Toplevel.t) ->
let lines = lines (eval_test ?root ~block:t c test.command) in
let lines = split_lines lines in
let output =
let output = output_from_line lines in
if Output.equal output test.output then test.output else output
let pad = test.hpad in
Toplevel.pp_command ppf test;
| `Ellipsis -> Output.pp ~pad ppf `Ellipsis
| `Output line ->
let line = ansi_color_strip line in
Output.pp ~pad ppf (`Output line))
match syntax with Some Syntax.Mli -> () | _ -> Block.pp_footer ?syntax ppf t

type file = { first : Mdx.Part.file; current : Mdx.Part.file }

let files : (string, file) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 8

let has_changed ~force_output { first; current } =
let contents = Mdx.Part.contents current in
if contents = Mdx.Part.contents first && force_output = false then None
else Some contents

let read_parts file =
try Hashtbl.find files file
with Not_found -> (
match file with
| exception Sys_error msg -> failwith msg
| parts ->
let f = { first = parts; current = parts } in
Hashtbl.add files file f;
f )

let read_part file part =
let parts = read_parts file in
match Mdx.Part.find parts.current ~part with
| None ->
Fmt.failwith "Cannot find part %S in %s"
(match part with None -> "" | Some p -> p)
| Some lines ->
let contents = String.concat ~sep:"\n" lines in
String.drop contents ~rev:true ~sat:Char.Ascii.is_white
|> String.drop ~sat:(function '\n' -> true | _ -> false)

let write_parts ~force_output file parts =
let output_file = file ^ ".corrected" in
match has_changed ~force_output parts with
| None -> if Sys.file_exists output_file then Sys.remove output_file
| Some c ->
let oc = open_out output_file in
output_string oc c;
flush oc;
close_out oc

let update_block_content ?syntax ppf t content =
Block.pp_header ?syntax ppf t;
Output.pp ppf (`Output content);
Block.pp_footer ?syntax ppf t

let update_file_or_block ?syntax ?root ppf md_file ml_file block part =
let root = root_dir ?root ~block () in
let dir = Filename.dirname md_file in
let ml_file = resolve_root ml_file dir root in
update_block_content ?syntax ppf block (read_part ml_file part)

exception Test_block_failure of Block.t * string

let with_non_det ~command ~output ~det non_deterministic = function
(* the command is non-deterministic so skip everything *)
| Some Label.Nd_command when not non_deterministic -> command ()
(* its output is non-deterministic; run it but keep the old output. *)
| Some Label.Nd_output when not non_deterministic -> output ()
| _ -> det ()

let preludes ~prelude ~prelude_str =
let aux to_lines p =
let env, file = Mdx.Prelude.env_and_file p in
(env, to_lines file)
match (prelude, prelude_str) with
| [], [] -> []
| [], fs -> (aux (fun x -> [ x ])) fs
| fs, [] -> (aux Mdx.Util.File.read_lines) fs
| _ -> Fmt.failwith "only one of --prelude or --prelude-str shoud be used"

let run_exn (`Setup ()) (`Non_deterministic non_deterministic)
(`Silent_eval silent_eval) (`Record_backtrace record_backtrace)
(`Syntax syntax) (`Silent silent) (`Verbose_findlib verbose_findlib)
(`Prelude prelude) (`Prelude_str prelude_str) (`File file)
(`Section section) (`Root root) (`Force_output force_output)
(`Output output) =
Printexc.record_backtrace record_backtrace;
let syntax =
match syntax with Some syntax -> Some syntax | None -> Syntax.infer ~file
let c = Mdx_top.init ~verbose:(not silent_eval) ~silent ~verbose_findlib () in
let preludes = preludes ~prelude ~prelude_str in

let test_block ~ppf ~temp_file t =
let print_block () = Block.pp ?syntax ppf t in
if Block.is_active ?section t then
match Block.value t with
| Raw _ -> print_block ()
| Include { file_included; file_kind = Fk_ocaml { part_included } } ->
assert (syntax <> Some Cram);
update_file_or_block ?syntax ?root ppf file file_included t
| Include { file_included; file_kind = Fk_other _ } ->
let new_content = read_part file_included None in
update_block_content ?syntax ppf t new_content
| OCaml { non_det; env; errors } ->
let det () =
assert (syntax <> Some Cram);
Mdx_top.in_env env (fun () ->
eval_ocaml ~block:t ?syntax ?root c ppf t.contents errors)
with_non_det non_deterministic non_det ~command:print_block
~output:det ~det
| Cram { language = _; non_det } ->
let pad, tests = Cram.of_lines t.contents in
with_non_det non_deterministic non_det ~command:print_block
~output:(fun () ->
print_block ();
let blacklist = Block.unset_variables t in
(fun t -> ignore (run_test ?root blacklist temp_file t))
~det:(fun () ->
run_cram_tests ?syntax t ?root ppf temp_file pad tests)
| Toplevel { non_det; env } ->
let tests =
let syntax = Util.Option.value syntax ~default:Normal in
Toplevel.of_lines ~syntax ~loc:t.loc t.contents
with_non_det non_deterministic non_det ~command:print_block
~output:(fun () ->
assert (syntax <> Some Cram);
print_block ();
(fun (test : Toplevel.t) ->
Mdx_top.in_env env (fun () ->
eval_test ~block:t ?root c test.command)
| Ok _ -> ()
| Error e ->
let output = (fun l -> `Output l) e in
if Output.equal test.output output then ()
else err_eval ~cmd:test.command e)
~det:(fun () ->
assert (syntax <> Some Cram);
Mdx_top.in_env env (fun () ->
run_toplevel_tests ?syntax ?root c ppf tests t))
else print_block ()
let output =
match (output : Cli.output option) with
| Some Stdout -> Some `Stdout
| Some (File outfile) -> Some (`File outfile)
| None -> None
let gen_corrected file_contents items =
let temp_file = Filename.temp_file "ocaml-mdx" ".output" in
at_exit (fun () -> Sys.remove temp_file);
let buf = Buffer.create (String.length file_contents + 1024) in
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
let envs = Document.envs items in
let eval lines () = eval_raw ?root c lines in
let eval_in_env lines env = Mdx_top.in_env env (eval lines) in
| `All, lines -> Ocaml_env.Set.iter (eval_in_env lines) envs
| `One env, lines -> eval_in_env lines env)
| (Mdx.Document.Section _ | Text _) as t -> Mdx.pp_line ?syntax ppf t
| Block t -> (
List.iter (fun (k, v) -> Unix.putenv k v) (Block.set_variables t);
try test_block ~ppf ~temp_file t
with Failure msg -> raise (Test_block_failure (t, msg)) ))
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();
Buffer.contents buf
let dirs = [] in
let packages =
( match (output : Cli.output option) with
| Some Stdout -> Mdx.run_to_stdout ?syntax ~f:gen_corrected file
| Some (File outfile) ->
Mdx.run_to_file ?syntax ~outfile ~f:gen_corrected file
| None -> ?syntax ~force_output ~f:gen_corrected file )
>>! fun () ->
Hashtbl.iter (write_parts ~force_output) files;
let predicates = [ Mdx_test.Predicate.byte; Mdx_test.Predicate.toploop ] in
Mdx_test.run_exn ~non_deterministic ~silent_eval ~record_backtrace ~syntax
~silent ~verbose_findlib ~prelude ~prelude_str ~file ~section ~root
~force_output ~output ~dirs ~packages ~predicates

let report_error_in_block block msg =
let kind =
Expand All @@ -394,7 +66,7 @@ let run setup non_deterministic silent_eval record_backtrace syntax silent
| Failure f ->
prerr_endline f;
| Test_block_failure (block, msg) ->
| Mdx_test.Test_block_failure (block, msg) ->
report_error_in_block block msg;

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