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Code to execute the openapi:refs command
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admin committed Nov 11, 2024
1 parent 59bb8f2 commit d82700a
Showing 1 changed file with 221 additions and 0 deletions.
221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions src/cmds/openapi/refs.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
import type { ZeroAuthCommandOptions } from '../../lib/baseCommand.js';
import type { OASDocument } from 'oas/types';
import type { IJsonSchema } from 'openapi-types';

import fs from 'node:fs';

// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies
import jsYaml from 'js-yaml';

import analyzeOas from '../../lib/analyzeOas.js';
import Command, { CommandCategories } from '../../lib/baseCommand.js';

interface Options {
spec?: string;

type SchemaCollection = Record<string, IJsonSchema>;

class OpenAPISolvingCircularityAndRecursiveness extends Command {
constructor() {
this.command = 'openapi:refs';
this.usage = 'openapi:refs [file]';
this.description = 'The script resolves circular and recursive references in OpenAPI by replacing them with object schemas. However, not all circular references can be resolved. You can run the openapi:inspect command to identify which references remain unresolved.';
this.cmdCategory = CommandCategories.APIS;

this.hiddenArgs = ['spec'];
this.args = [
name: 'spec',
type: String,
defaultOption: true,

* Reads and parses an OpenAPI file (JSON or YAML).
* @param {string} filePath - The file path to read.
* @returns {any} The parsed content of the file.
static readOpenApiFile(filePath: string) {
const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8');
return filePath.endsWith('.json') ? JSON.parse(fileContent) : jsYaml.load(fileContent);

* Writes OpenAPI data to a file (JSON or YAML).
* @param {string} filePath - The file path to write to.
* @param {OASDocument} data - The data to be written.
static writeOpenApiFile(filePath: string, data: OASDocument) {
const content = filePath.endsWith('.json')
? JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)
: jsYaml.dump(data, { noRefs: true }); // Disables YAML anchors
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, content, 'utf8');

* Identifies circular references in the OpenAPI document.
* @param {OASDocument} document - The OpenAPI document to analyze.
* @returns {Promise<string[]>} A list of circular reference paths.
static async getCircularRefsFromOas(document: OASDocument): Promise<string[]> {
try {
const analysis = await analyzeOas(document);
const circularRefs = analysis.openapi.circularRefs;
return Array.isArray(circularRefs.locations) ? circularRefs.locations : [];
} catch (error) {
return [`Error analyzing OpenAPI document: ${error}`];

* Replaces a reference in a schema with an object if it's circular or recursive.
* @param {IJsonSchema} schema - The schema to process.
* @param {string[]} circularRefs - List of circular reference paths.
* @param {string} schemaName - The name of the schema being processed.
* @returns {IJsonSchema} The modified schema or the original.
static replaceRefWithObject(schema: IJsonSchema, circularRefs: string[], schemaName: string): IJsonSchema {
if (schema.$ref) {
const refSchemaName = schema.$ref.split('/').pop() as string;
const isCircular = circularRefs.some((refPath) => refPath.includes(refSchemaName));
const isRecursive = schemaName === refSchemaName;

if (schemaName.includes('Ref') && (isCircular || isRecursive)) {
return { type: 'object' } as IJsonSchema;

return schema;

* Recursively replaces references in schemas, transforming circular references to objects.
* @param {IJsonSchema} schema - The schema to process.
* @param {string[]} circularRefs - List of circular reference paths.
* @param {string} schemaName - The name of the schema being processed.
static replaceReferencesInSchema(schema: IJsonSchema, circularRefs: string[], schemaName: string) {
if (schema.type === 'object' && {
for (const prop of Object.keys( {
let property = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify([prop]));
property = OpenAPISolvingCircularityAndRecursiveness.replaceRefWithObject(property, circularRefs, schemaName);[prop] = property;

// Handle arrays with item references
if (property.type === 'array' && property.items) {
property.items = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(property.items));
property.items = OpenAPISolvingCircularityAndRecursiveness.replaceRefWithObject(property.items, circularRefs, schemaName);
OpenAPISolvingCircularityAndRecursiveness.replaceReferencesInSchema(property.items, circularRefs, schemaName);

* Replaces circular references within a collection of schemas.
* @param {SchemaCollection} schemas - Collection of schemas to modify.
* @param {string[]} circularRefs - List of circular reference paths.
static replaceCircularRefs(schemas: SchemaCollection, circularRefs: string[]): void {
const createdRefs = new Set<string>();

function replaceRef(schemaName: string, propertyName: string, refSchemaName: string) {
schemas[schemaName]!.properties![propertyName] = { $ref: `#/components/schemas/${refSchemaName}` } as IJsonSchema;

function createRefSchema(originalSchemaName: string, refSchemaName: string) {
if (!createdRefs.has(refSchemaName) && schemas[originalSchemaName]) {
schemas[refSchemaName] = {
type: 'object',
properties: { ...schemas[originalSchemaName].properties },
} as IJsonSchema;
OpenAPISolvingCircularityAndRecursiveness.replaceReferencesInSchema(schemas[refSchemaName], circularRefs, refSchemaName);

circularRefs.forEach((refPath) => {
const refParts = refPath.split('/');
if (refParts.length < 6) {
throw new Error(`Invalid reference path: ${refPath}`);

const schemaName = refParts[3];
const propertyName = refParts[5];
const schema = schemas[schemaName];
const property = schema?.properties?.[propertyName];

if (!schema || !property) {
throw new Error(`Schema or property not found for path: ${refPath}`);

// Handle references within items in an array
let refSchemaName: string | undefined;
if (refParts.length > 6 && refParts[6] === 'items' && property.type === 'array' && property.items && typeof property.items === 'object') {
const itemsRefSchemaName = (property.items as IJsonSchema).$ref?.split('/')[3];
if (itemsRefSchemaName) {
refSchemaName = `${itemsRefSchemaName}Ref`;
property.items = { $ref: `#/components/schemas/${refSchemaName}` } as IJsonSchema;
createRefSchema(itemsRefSchemaName, refSchemaName);
} else {
// Handle direct reference
refSchemaName = property.$ref?.split('/')[3];
if (refSchemaName) {
const newRefSchemaName = `${refSchemaName}Ref`;
replaceRef(schemaName, propertyName, newRefSchemaName);
createRefSchema(refSchemaName, newRefSchemaName);

* The main execution method for the command.
* @param {ZeroAuthCommandOptions<Options>} opts - Command options.
* @returns {Promise<string>} Result message.
async run(opts: ZeroAuthCommandOptions<Options>): Promise<string> {
const { spec } = opts;
if (!spec) {
return 'File path is required.';

const openApiData = OpenAPISolvingCircularityAndRecursiveness.readOpenApiFile(spec);
const circularRefs = await OpenAPISolvingCircularityAndRecursiveness.getCircularRefsFromOas(openApiData);

if (circularRefs.length === 0) {
return 'The file does not contain circular or recursive references.';

if (openApiData.components?.schemas && circularRefs.length > 0) {
OpenAPISolvingCircularityAndRecursiveness.replaceCircularRefs(openApiData.components.schemas, circularRefs);

let remainingCircularRefs = await OpenAPISolvingCircularityAndRecursiveness.getCircularRefsFromOas(openApiData);
let iterationCount = 0;

while (remainingCircularRefs.length > 0 && iterationCount < 5) {
OpenAPISolvingCircularityAndRecursiveness.replaceCircularRefs(openApiData.components.schemas, remainingCircularRefs);
remainingCircularRefs = remainingCircularRefs.length > 0 ? [] : remainingCircularRefs;
iterationCount += 1;

if (iterationCount >= 5) {
return 'Maximum iteration limit reached. Some circular references may remain unresolved.';

OpenAPISolvingCircularityAndRecursiveness.writeOpenApiFile(spec, openApiData);
return `Processed and updated ${spec}`;


export default OpenAPISolvingCircularityAndRecursiveness;

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