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API Contractor


  1. Create markdowns with contracts inside ./docs folder - see also: proper MD files structure
  2. Copy ./setup files to your root dir in project
  3. Install dependencies by yarn command
  4. Build project by yarn build command
  5. Run index.html in your browser or deploy it with netlify

Proper MD files structure:

Your MD files should have specific structure like this:


Proper MD file naming:

File names should have the same template: {method}.{name-or-uri}.md, where:

  • {method} is REST API method like post, get, patch, put, delete, etc. OR model for general models
  • {name-or-uri} could be just a name like paged-result or uri like: user_{uuid}_roles


  • get.user_{uuid}_roles} -> GET user/{uuid}/roles
  • get.paged-result -> GET paged-result

Deploying with netlify:

  1. Change api-contractor paths in index.html, for each case:
    • ./node_modules/ -> lib/api-contractor/
  2. Create new netlify build
  3. Set netlify build command: npm run build && cp -R ./node_modules/api-contractor ./lib/api-contractor
  4. Deploy!