BOJ Exchange Rate Converter is a tool that fetches the daily currency rate from the Bank of Jamaica website and allows users to convert any amount from one currency to another, both of which are supported by the website.
Experience the BOJ Exchange Rate Converter in action. Check out the live version here.
- User Interface: Provides a user-friendly page where users can input the amount they wish to convert, choose the desired currency, and specify the date for which the conversion should be based.
- Real-time Conversion: Fetches the current exchange rates directly from the Bank of Jamaica website.
- Detailed Results: Users are presented with the converted amount and the exchange rate used for the computation as soon as the amount to be converted is changed.
- Trend Analysis: Offer trend analysis for widely used currencies, providing insights into historical patterns.
- AI Predictions: Leverage artificial intelligence to provide predictions on whether the exchange rate is likely to trend upwards or downwards in the near future.
- API Endpoints: Introduce API endpoints for external applications to easily integrate and fetch conversion rates.
Follow these steps to get the BOJ Exchange Rate Converter running on your local machine:
Clone the Repository:
git clone
Install Composer Dependencies:
composer install
Install NPM Packages:
npm install
Compile Assets:
npm run dev
After installation, or when accessing the live site, simply enter the amount you wish to convert. The conversion is real-time and occurs as you change the amount. Select the currency and desired date, and the tool will automatically display the converted amount and the exchange rate used.
If you'd like to contribute to this project, please fork the repository and submit a pull request. We appreciate any and all contributions!
Please check the repository for licensing details.