A replication of MARIE Simulator (tool for showing the simulation on how programs run on a real "von Neumann architecture").
Instructions Implemented
- LOAD X - Load contents of address X to AC
- STORE X - Store the contents of AC to address X
- ADD X - Add the contents of address X to AC
- SUBT X - Subtract the contents of address X to AC
- MULTI X - Multiply the contents of address X to AC
- SQUARE X - Square the contents of AC and store to address X
- SKIPCOMP X - Skip next instruction if AC is greater than the contents of address X
- JUMP X - Load the value of X to PC
- CnJUMP X - Clear all registers to default and load the value of X to PC
- INPUT X - Input a value from keyboard and store to address X
- OUTPUT - Output the value in AC to the display
- HALT - Terminate program
Sample .m files can be found in samples folder.