Arc GPO Deployment project contains the necessary files to onboard Non Azure machines to Azure Arc automatically, using a GPO
The project also contains Azure Workbooks to keep track of the onboarding process.
- DeployGPO.ps1: PowerShell script to deploy the GPO in a certain AD domain
- EnableAzureArc.ps1: PowerShell script that has to be placed in the network share and will execute the onboarding process.
- RenewSPSecretDPAPI.ps1: This PowerShell script securely stores the renewed secret in an encrypted file within the Arc Onboarding share.
- ParseArcOnboardingPrerequisites.ps1: PowerShell scripts that parses the information of the machines that didn't meet the onboard requirements.
- ArcGPO: Folder structure that contains the GPO settings to be imported in AD
- ARMTemplates: Folder with Azure Function Template to monitor Azure Arc Agent version updates.
- Workbooks: Folder with Azure Workbooks to monitor your Azure Arc onboarding Status and your Azure Arc Servers
- ScheduledTask: Folder with a scheduled task that can, programmatically, upload on-prem XMLs report files to Azure Log Analytics
Create a Service Principal and give it Azure Arc onbarding permissions, following this article: Create a Service Principal for onboarding at scale
Register Microsoft.HybridCompute, Microsoft.GuestConfiguration and Microsoft.HybridConnectivity as resource providers in your subscription, following this article: Register Resource Provider
Create a Network Share,e.g. AzureArcOnboard that will be used for deployment and reporting files, with the following permissions:
Domain Controllers, Domain Computers and Domain Admins: Change Permissions
Copy the project structure to a local folder of a Domain Controller.
Copy the 'AzureConnectedMachineAgent.msi' file to the ArcRemoteShare. You can download it from
Modify EnableAzureArc.ps1 onboarding file, to customize Azure tags for onboarded servers
$tags = @{ # Tags to be added to the Arc servers Department = "Department" deployedBY = "GPO" Responsible = "Responsible" }
Execute the deployment script DeployGPO.ps1, with the following syntax:
.\DeployGPO.ps1 -DomainFQDN -ReportServerFQDN -ArcRemoteShare AzureArcOnBoard -ServicePrincipalSecret $ServicePrincipalSecret -ServicePrincipalClientId $ServicePrincipalClientId -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ResourceGroup $ResourceGroup -Location $Location -TenantId $TenantId [-AgentProxy $AgentProxy] [-PrivateLinkScopeId $PrivateLinkScopeId]
ServicePrincipalClientId is the ID from the Service Principal created previously
ServicePrincipalSecret is the secret from the Service Principal created previously.
ReportServerFQDN is the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the host where the network share resides.
SubscriptionId is the subscription ID of your new Arc resources
Location is the location (like "westus") of your new Arc resources
ResourceGroup is the resource group containing your new Arc resources
TenantId is the tenant ID used to onboard new Arc resources
ArcRemoteShare is the name of the network share you've created
AssessOnly [optional] makes the GPo to work in Assess mode, no onboarding is done.
Deploy the Azure Function that checks for the Arc Agent Releases, using this guide: Azure Function Deployment. This function creates the AzureARCAgentLatestVersion_CL log in Log Analytics.
Create a new Workbook and copy the content from this source json file: ArcServers.json:
Use either of these methods to upload data from XML files to Log Analytics programmatically. This will populate the ArcOnboardingStatus_CL log.
Create a new Workbook and copy the content from this source json file: ArcOnboardingStatus.json:
- Deploy the workbook AzureArcServers&VMsExtensionsMonitor, creating a new woorkbook in the portal using the json information as content. Once created, choose up to 4 extensions for Windows & Linux machines, to monitor their status.
This is the full picture of the solution:
- Added Azure Arc Private Link Support
- New version of workbook AzureArcServers&VMsExtensionsMonitor, now with extension version control and extension dynamic parameters filter
- New workbook added in the Workbooks folder AzureArcServers&VMsExtensionsMonitor, to monitor the installation of extensions in Azure Arc & Azure VMs Machines. The workbook must be deployed as an ARM template, selecting the extensions to be monitored.
- Streamlined whole process by adding parameters to Deploy script instead of Enable script
- Changed Encryption method to DPAPI. No keys are stored in target servers
- New PowerShell Script RenewSPSecretDPAPI.ps1 to renew Service Principal Secret.
- Added script RenewSPSecret.ps1, to renew the secret from the Service Principal used to onboard servers
- Moved deployment files from Netlogon folder to a generic shared folder
- Added Service Principal monitoring to the Azure Arc Servers main Workbook
- Minor changes: Updated Help and workbooks filters
- Added -AssessOnly switch parameter to make the GPO work in Assess mode (without onboarding machines)
- FIXES: Automatic update of local agents improved. Added new pre-task to clean the remaining scheduled task that sometimes remained active.
- Added Active Directory Site information to Azure Arc Servers Tags, as follows: Site:ADSiteName
- New Azure Workbooks to monitor your Azure Arc onboarding Status and your Azure Arc Servers
- New Azure Function to track Azure Arc Agent new version releases
- A Scheduled Task was created to programmatically upload all XMLs files to the Log Analytics Workspace.
- Proxy functionality was added to the GPO with a new parameter -AgentProxy
- New mandatory parameter NetlogonSubfolder.The folder structure is now created automatically and assigned the proper permissions
- Removed service principal secret from the netlogon script. Secret is encrypted automatically at runtime and stored in remote registry Key
- Machines automatically updates their Arc Agent in case there is a new version in the netlogon folder
- No connected machines log connection errors to the 'NotConnected' subfolder
- Improved local logging with Agent Error Code
- Local log maintenance (circular logging)
Azure Workbooks :
Azure Arc Onboarded Servers
Azure Arc Onboarding Status
Extensions Workbook
- Local loging :
A process where the machine already exists in ARC and throws an error AZCM0044:
- Remote Share :
Permissions needed in shared folder for instalation and reporting purposes