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Arc Deployment by GPO

Arc GPO Deployment project contains the necessary files to onboard Non Azure machines to Azure Arc automatically, using a GPO

The project also contains Azure Workbooks to keep track of the onboarding process.


  • DeployGPO.ps1: PowerShell script to deploy the GPO in a certain AD domain
  • EnableAzureArc.ps1: PowerShell script that has to be placed in the network share and will execute the onboarding process.
  • RenewSPSecretDPAPI.ps1: This PowerShell script securely stores the renewed secret in an encrypted file within the Arc Onboarding share.
  • ParseArcOnboardingPrerequisites.ps1: PowerShell scripts that parses the information of the machines that didn't meet the onboard requirements.
  • ArcGPO: Folder structure that contains the GPO settings to be imported in AD
  • ARMTemplates: Folder with Azure Function Template to monitor Azure Arc Agent version updates.
  • Workbooks: Folder with Azure Workbooks to monitor your Azure Arc onboarding Status and your Azure Arc Servers
  • ScheduledTask: Folder with a scheduled task that can, programmatically, upload on-prem XMLs report files to Azure Log Analytics


  • Create a Service Principal and give it Azure Arc onbarding permissions, following this article: Create a Service Principal for onboarding at scale

  • Register Microsoft.HybridCompute, Microsoft.GuestConfiguration and Microsoft.HybridConnectivity as resource providers in your subscription, following this article: Register Resource Provider

  • Create a Network Share,e.g. AzureArcOnboard that will be used for deployment and reporting files, with the following permissions:

    Domain Controllers, Domain Computers and Domain Admins: Change Permissions



Group Policy Deployment

  • Copy the project structure to a local folder of a Domain Controller.

  • Copy the 'AzureConnectedMachineAgent.msi' file to the ArcRemoteShare. You can download it from

  • Modify EnableAzureArc.ps1 onboarding file, to customize Azure tags for onboarded servers

    $tags = @{ # Tags to be added to the Arc servers
        Department  = "Department"
        deployedBY  = "GPO"
        Responsible = "Responsible"
  • Execute the deployment script DeployGPO.ps1, with the following syntax:

    .\DeployGPO.ps1 -DomainFQDN -ReportServerFQDN -ArcRemoteShare AzureArcOnBoard -ServicePrincipalSecret $ServicePrincipalSecret 
     -ServicePrincipalClientId $ServicePrincipalClientId -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ResourceGroup $ResourceGroup -Location $Location -TenantId $TenantId 
     [-AgentProxy $AgentProxy] [-PrivateLinkScopeId $PrivateLinkScopeId]


    • ServicePrincipalClientId is the ID from the Service Principal created previously

    • ServicePrincipalSecret is the secret from the Service Principal created previously.

    • ReportServerFQDN is the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the host where the network share resides.

    • SubscriptionId is the subscription ID of your new Arc resources

    • Location is the location (like "westus") of your new Arc resources

    • ResourceGroup is the resource group containing your new Arc resources

    • TenantId is the tenant ID used to onboard new Arc resources

    • ArcRemoteShare is the name of the network share you've created

    • AssessOnly [optional] makes the GPo to work in Assess mode, no onboarding is done.

Azure Worbooks Deployment

  • Workbook - Arc Servers

    • Deploy the Azure Function that checks for the Arc Agent Releases, using this guide: Azure Function Deployment. This function creates the AzureARCAgentLatestVersion_CL log in Log Analytics.

    • Create a new Workbook and copy the content from this source json file: ArcServers.json:

  • Workbook - Arc Onboarding Status

    • Use either of these methods to upload data from XML files to Log Analytics programmatically. This will populate the ArcOnboardingStatus_CL log.

      Scheduled task

      Azure Runbook

    • Create a new Workbook and copy the content from this source json file: ArcOnboardingStatus.json:

  • Workbook - Arc Servers & Azure Virtual Machines extensions

    • Deploy the workbook AzureArcServers&VMsExtensionsMonitor, creating a new woorkbook in the portal using the json information as content. Once created, choose up to 4 extensions for Windows & Linux machines, to monitor their status.

Solution Diagram

This is the full picture of the solution:





  • New workbook added in the Workbooks folder AzureArcServers&VMsExtensionsMonitor, to monitor the installation of extensions in Azure Arc & Azure VMs Machines. The workbook must be deployed as an ARM template, selecting the extensions to be monitored.


  • Streamlined whole process by adding parameters to Deploy script instead of Enable script


  • Changed Encryption method to DPAPI. No keys are stored in target servers
  • New PowerShell Script RenewSPSecretDPAPI.ps1 to renew Service Principal Secret.


  • Added script RenewSPSecret.ps1, to renew the secret from the Service Principal used to onboard servers


  • Moved deployment files from Netlogon folder to a generic shared folder
  • Added Service Principal monitoring to the Azure Arc Servers main Workbook
  • Minor changes: Updated Help and workbooks filters


  • Added -AssessOnly switch parameter to make the GPO work in Assess mode (without onboarding machines)


  • FIXES: Automatic update of local agents improved. Added new pre-task to clean the remaining scheduled task that sometimes remained active.


  • Added Active Directory Site information to Azure Arc Servers Tags, as follows: Site:ADSiteName


  • New Azure Workbooks to monitor your Azure Arc onboarding Status and your Azure Arc Servers
  • New Azure Function to track Azure Arc Agent new version releases
  • A Scheduled Task was created to programmatically upload all XMLs files to the Log Analytics Workspace.


  • Proxy functionality was added to the GPO with a new parameter -AgentProxy


  • New mandatory parameter NetlogonSubfolder.The folder structure is now created automatically and assigned the proper permissions


  • Removed service principal secret from the netlogon script. Secret is encrypted automatically at runtime and stored in remote registry Key


  • Machines automatically updates their Arc Agent in case there is a new version in the netlogon folder
  • No connected machines log connection errors to the 'NotConnected' subfolder
  • Improved local logging with Agent Error Code
  • Local log maintenance (circular logging)


  • Azure Workbooks :

    Azure Arc Onboarded Servers


Azure Arc Onboarding Status


Extensions Workbook


  • Local loging :

A process where the machine already exists in ARC and throws an error AZCM0044:



  • Remote Share :

Permissions needed in shared folder for instalation and reporting purposes



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