A Spanish spelling corrector for Python 3 that tries to propouse a corrected form of a Spanish introduced word. Spanish most frequent words text file must be downloaded from Real Academia Española website: link (10000 most frequent words file is recommended)
This project has been created for the second deliverable of Natural Language Processing (PLN) from MULCIA, University of Seville (Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, Máster Universitario en Lógica, Computación e Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad de Sevilla, 2017/2018)
- Clone the repository
- Download the 10000 most frequent words file from here and place it in the repository folder
- Run main.py [arg1] where arg1 is the path to the words file downloaded beforehand.
- Follow the terminal instructions
Spanish Spelling Checker
Please write 'q' or 'quitprogram' in order to exit
Write a Spanish word to be checked: mieercoles
You wrote: mieercoles
Probably you mean to say:
*- miércoles - 100.00 %
Write a Spanish word to be checked: chaqeta
You wrote: chaqeta
Probably you mean to say:
*- chaqueta - 100.00 %
Write a Spanish word to be checked: camio
You wrote: camio
Probably you mean to say:
*- cambio - 42.76 %
*- campo - 28.11 %
*- camino - 27.25 %
*- camilo - 1.89 %
Write a Spanish word to be checked: fueza
You wrote: fueza
Probably you mean to say:
*- fuera - 62.72 %
*- fuerza - 37.28 %