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The initial starter 有诗人这次代码提交
🔍 - 📝 站响应式布局,兼容移动端,支持暗黑模式,响应速度快
🔍 - 📝 Responsive & Dark Design
🌏 - Translation using astro-i18n-aut
🌏 - 我们使用 astro-i18n-aut 对页面进行乘法运算
- 💻 Frontend: Astro + Tailwind + Shadcn/ui
- 🗂️ Database: Turso + Drizzle
Have fun
pnpm i
pnpm dev
Deploys to production. Creates an url for you. Add a domain to aws route53 to bux a domain and put that domain name in sst.config
部署到生产环境。为您创建一个 url。 在 aws route53 中添加一个域,以 bux 一个域,并在 sst.config 中输入该域名
pnpm run deploy
Code License: Released under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2024 - Present, Designed & Developed by javayhu with some tweaking