Embed YouTube video on Discord, inspired by FixTweet, powered by Next.js/Vercel.
Due to recent YouTube breakdown, setting values of cookies is required.
Please follow the instructions here, stringify the JSON value, rename the .env.example
to .env
, then paste the stringified JSON value to the COOKIE_BYPASS
If you ever encounter the error message (which one day it will happen), 'Sign in to confirm you’re not a bot
', it means you need to return to step one, which involves renewing the cookies.
It's simple: just go back to where you obtained the cookies and copy them again.
I just hate the current YouTube embed, where in mobile, you'll be redirected outside Discord/to YouTube app just to play a video, which is not a really pleasant experience.
Basically pulling off YouTube video, and make it playable through embeds with OpenGraph/Twitter meta tags.
This concept is pretty much the same with FixTweet or similar.
Absolutely, you can fork the repo, host it somewhere else, and change the domain.
, normal route:youtu.be
, YouTube URL shortener route:youtube.com/shorts
, shorts route: (NEW)