Compendium of usefull cheat sheets for data science
- Basic R - R-101
- Rsutdio - IDE description and handy key shortcuts
- Shiny apps - Web development with R
- Advance R - Enviroments, Object oriented, Functions and Debugging
- Data wrangling with dplyr and tidyr
- Data visualization with ggplot2
- Regular expressions in R - using stringr and base R (more of regular expressions below)
- StringR - Simple String R article
- Lubridate - Date manipulation
- R markdown - Reference - Same as below but simpler (my favorite)
- Rmarkodwn 1 - Simple sintaxis and use
- Rmarkodwn 2 - Use with Rstudio and chunk options
- Numpy/SciPy/Pandas - Simple cheat sheet
- Regular expressions
- Cheat sheets
- Tester - One of many
- Docker
- awk - awk shell command