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Rati Wannapanop edited this page Sep 11, 2016 · 11 revisions

Here are the list of properties that will allow you to customize the vuetable functionality. You are only required to provide 2 properties which are api-url and fields. The rest is optional.

####Please Note!

Many props are being deprecated and will be removed in the next minor release for clearity and consistency naming.

Property Type Default Description
api-url String (required) The URL of the api that vuetable will interact with.
fields Array (required) The array of fields that would be mapped to the structure of data returned from the server.
sort-order Array [] The default sort order that vuetable should use when the data get rendered.
multi-sort Boolean false Enable multiple sort column interface
multi-sort-key String alt The key to trigger sort colum adding/subtracting when multi-sort is enabled. Possible values are alt, ctrl, meta, shift.
per-page Number 10 The number of data to be requested per page.
data-path String data The path into the JSON data structure that vuetable will use to refer to the actual data. See Data Format (JSON).
pagination-path String links.pagination The path into the JSON data structure that vuetable will use to refer to the pagination information of the return data. See Data Format (JSON).
ascending-icon String blue chevron up icon The css class(es) that will be rendered as ascending icon on the table column header
descending-icon String blue chevron down icon The css class(es) that will be rendered as descending icon on the table column header
item-actions Array [] The array of actions to be rendered as button inside special field named actions. See Special Field.
table-wrapper String null The parent DOM element that uses to wrap vuetable where the loading image should appear to cover the whole table while requesting data from the server.
table-class String ui blue striped selectable celled stackable attached table The css class to be applied to the table element that vuetable will generate.
loading-class String loading The css class to be applied during the request of data from server.
show-pagination Boolean true Tells vuetable to display pagination or not.
pagination-component String vuetable-pagination PaginationInfo component that vuetable will use to render the pagination.
pagination-info-template String Displaying {from} to {to} of {total} items The pagination information to be shown. See Customize the Pagination Info.
pagination-info-no-data-template String No relevant data The pagination information to be displayed when there is no data.
pagination-class String ui bottom attached segment grid The css class to be applied to the pagination section.
pagination-info-class String left floated left aligned six wide column The css class to be applied to the pagination info section.
pagination-component-class String right floated right aligned six wide column The css class to be applied to the pagination component section.
query-params Object { sort: 'sort', page: 'page', perPage: 'per_page' } The text key to be used as query string that will be sent to the server. See Sorting, Paging, and Page Sizing of Data
append-params Array [] Additional parameters that vuetable should append to the query string when requesting data from the server. See Appending Other Parameters to the Query String
wrapper-class String null A CSS class to be used in the wrapper div of vuetable component.
pagination-config String paginationConfig Deprecated. Use pagination-config-callback instead
pagination-config-callback String paginationConfig A method name to be called by vuetable to config pagination settings.
load-on-start Boolean true Whether vuetable should load the data from the server immediately during initialization.
select-to Array [] The array variable that vuetable will be used to store selected row to. See Special Field __checkbox
http-data Object {} Allow passing additional data and options to the server during AJAX call. See vue-resource
http-options Object {} Same as http-data.
detail-row String '' Deprecated. Use detail-row-callback instead
detail-row-callback String '' Deprecated. Use detail-row-component instead.
detail-row-component String '' (v1.5.0) A component name to be used as the content of detail row to be displayed underneath the current row.
detail-row-id String id The colum name of the data to be used as a key to unqiuely identified each data row.
detail-row-transition String '' The CSS class to apply to detail row during transition.
detail-row-class String vuetable-detail-row The CSS class name to be used for the detail row.
row-class-callback String '' The method name of a callback to be called by vuetable to get the CSS class name for each table row during rendering.