A slider showcasing Japan's various attractions
- Desktop
- Mobile
I started this project to learn more about sliders. I also wanted to integrate my own tilt component (react-next-tilt) into the slides. in doing so I ran into the problem of Swiper's Parallax module not supporting animations along the z-axis. I modified the module and added z-axis support and published it as a package so others can use it as well in case they run into a similar problem:
package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/swiper-mods
For the content, I googled Japan's tourist attractions and selected the ones I found interesting, then used Bing Chat to generate the info in English and Google Translate to translate it into Japanese.
For the images, they are from Pexels, Unsplash, or Flickr. I cropped them in Photoshop, converted them to webp
using ffmpeg, and edited the metadata using ExifTool.
Rashid Shamloo
- Portfolio - rashidshamloo.ir
- Linkedin - rashid-shamloo
- Frontend Mentor - @rashidshamloo
- Twitter - @rashidshamloo
- Dev.to - @rashidshamloo