The Clock Panel can show the current time or a countdown and updates every second.
Show the time in another office or show a countdown to an important event.
Default is time. If countdown is chosen then set the Countdown Deadline to start the countdown.
12 or 24 hour:
Show time in the 12/24 hour format.
Offset from UTC:
This is a simple way to get the time for different time zones. Default is empty and that means local time (whatever that is on your computer). -5 would be UTC -5 (New York or central US)
Countdown Deadline:
Used in conjuction with the mode being set to countdown. Choose a date and time to count down to.
Countdown End Text:
The text to show when the countdown ends. E.g. LIFTOFF
Date/Time formatting options:
The font size, weight and date/time formatting can be customized here. If the seconds ticking annoys you then change the time format to HH:mm for the 24 hour clock or h:mm A for the 12 hour clock.
Bg Color:
Choose a background color for the clock with the color picker.
- Remove extraneous comma when 1 second left in the countdown. PR from @linkslice