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cmurphy committed Jun 5, 2023
1 parent 1dfd3c7 commit dc6ef8d
Showing 1 changed file with 328 additions and 0 deletions.
328 changes: 328 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -220,3 +220,331 @@ If a page number is out of bounds, an empty list is returned.
`page` and `pagesize` can be used alongside the `limit` and `continue`
parameters supported by Kubernetes. `limit` and `continue` are typically used
for server-side chunking and do not guarantee results in any order.

Running the Steve server

Steve is typically imported as a library. The calling code starts the server:

import (
func steve() error {
restConfig, err := kubeconfig.GetNonInteractiveClientConfigWithContext("", "").ClientConfig()
if err != nil {
return err
ctx := context.Background()
s, err := server.New(ctx, restConfig, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println(s.ListenAndServe(ctx, 9443, 9080, nil))
return nil

steve can be run directly as a binary for testing. By default it runs on ports 9080 and 9443:

export KUBECONFIG=your.cluster
go run main.go

The API can be accessed by navigating to https://localhost:9443/v1.

Steve Features

Steve's main use is as an opinionated consumer of [rancher/apiserver](), which
it uses to dynamically register every Kubernetes API as its own. It implements
apiserver [Stores]() to use Kubernetes as its data store.

### Stores

Steve uses apiserver Stores to transform and store data, mainly in Kubernetes.
The main mechanism it uses is the proxy store, which is actually a series of
four nested stores and a "partitioner". It can be instantiated by calling
[NewProxyStore](). This gives you:

* [`proxy.errorStore`]() - translates any returned errors into HTTP errors
* [`proxy.WatchRefresh`]() - wraps the nested store's Watch method, canceling the
watch if access to the watched resource changes
* [`partition.Store`]() - the partition store wraps the nested store's List method
and parallelizes the request according to the given partitioner, and
additionally implements filtering, sorting, and pagination on the
unstructured data from the nested store
* [`proxy.rbacPartitioner`]() - the partitioner fed to the `partition.Store`
allows it to parallelize requests based on the user's access to certain
namespaces or resources
* [`proxy.Store`]() - the Kubernetes proxy store which performs the actual
connection to Kubernetes for all operations

The default schema additionally wraps this proxy store in [`metrics.Store`](),
which records request metrics to Prometheus, by calling
[`metrics.NewNetricsStore()`]() on it.

Steve provides two additional exported stores that are mainly used by Rancher's catalogv2 package:

* [`selector.Store`]() - wraps the list and watch commands with a label
* [`switchschema.Store`]() - transforms the object's schema

### Schemas

Steve watches all Kuberentes API resources, including builtins, CRDs, and
APIServices, and registers them under its own /v1 endpoint. Schemas can be
queried from the /v1/schemas endpoint. Steve also registers a few of its own
schemas not from Kubernetes to facilitate certain use cases.

#### Cluster

Steve creates a fake local cluster to use in standalone scenarios when there is
not a real Cluster resource available. Rancher overrides
this and sets its own customizations on the cluster resource.

#### UserPreferences

Userpreferences in steve provides a way to configure dashboard preferences
through a configfile named prefs.json. Rancher overrides this and uses the resource for preference storage instead.

#### Counts

Counts keeps track of the number of resources and updates the count in a
buffered stream that the dashboard can subscribe to.

#### Subscribe

Subscription to events is a feature in rancher/apiserver that is exposed in steve.


### Schema Templates

Existing schemas can be customized using schema templates. You can customize individual schemas or apply customizations to all schemas.

For example, if you wanted to customize the store for secrets so that secret data is always redacted, you could implement a store like this:

import (

type redactStore struct {

func (r *redactStore) ByID(_ *types.APIRequest, _ *types.APISchema, _ string) (types.APIObject, error) {
return types.APIObject{
Object: map[string]string{
"value": "[redacted]",
}, nil

func (r *redactStore) List(_ *types.APIRequest, _ *types.APISchema) (types.APIObjectList, error) {
return types.APIObjectList{
Objects: []types.APIObject{
Object: map[string]string{
"value": "[redacted]",
}, nil

and then create a schema template for the schema with ID "secrets" that uses
that store:

import (

template := schema.Template{
ID: "secret",
Store: &redactStore{},

You could specify the same by providing the group and kind:

template := schema.Template{
Group: "", // core resources have an empty group
Kind: "secret",
Store: &redactStore{},

then add the template to the schema factory:


As another example, if you wanted to add custom field to all objects in a
collection response, you can add a schema template with a collection formatter
omit the ID or the group and kind:

template := schema.Template{
Customize: func(schema *types.APISchema) {
schema.CollectionFormatter = func(apiOp *types.APIRequest, collection *types.GenericCollection) {
schema.CollectionFormatter = func(apiOp *types.APIRequest, collection *types.GenericCollection) {
for i, d := range collection.Data {
fmt.Println(i, d)
obj := d.APIObject.Object.(*unstructured.Unstructured)
obj.Object["tag"] = "custom"

### Schema Access Control

Steve implements access control on schemas based on the user's RBAC in

The apiserver [`Server`]() object exposes an AccessControl field which is used
to customize how access control is performed on server requests.

An [`accesscontrol.AccessStore`]() is stored on the schema factory. When a user
makes any request, the request handler first finds all the schemas that are
available to the user. To do this, it first retrieves an
[`accesscontrol.AccessSet`]() for the user object by calling [`AccessFor`]() on
the user. The AccessSet contains a map of resources and the verbs the can use
on them. The AccessSet is calculated by looking up all of the user's role
bindings and cluster role bindings for the user's name and group. The result is
cached, and the cached result is used until the user's role assignments change.
Once the AccessSet is retrieved, each registered schema is checked for
existence in the AccessSet, and filtered out if it is not available.

This final set of schemas is inserted into the [`types.APIRequest`]() object
and passed to the apiserver handler.

### Authentication

Steve authenticates incoming requests using a customizeable authentication
middleware. The default authenticator in standalone steve is the
[AlwaysAdmin]() middleware, which accepts all incoming requests and sets admin
attributes on the user. The authenticator can be overridden by passing a custom
middleware to the steve server:

import (

func run() {
restConfig := getRestConfig()
authenticator := func (req *http.Request) (user.Info, bool, error) {
username, password, ok := req.BasicAuth()
if !ok {
return nil, false, nil
if username == "hello" && password == "world" {
return &user.DefaultInfo{
Name: username,
UID: username,
Groups: []string{
}, true, nil
return nil, false, nil
server := server.New(context.TODO(), restConfig, &server.Options{
AuthMiddleware: auth.ToMiddlware(auth.AuthenticatorFunc(authenticator)),
server.ListenAndServe(context.TODO(), 9443, 9080, nil)

Once the user is authenticated, if the request is for a Kubernetes resource
then steve must proxy the request to Kubernetes, so it needs to transform the
request. Steve passes the user Info object from the authenticator to a proxy
handler, either a generic handler or an impersonating handler. The generic
[Handler]() mainly sets transport options and cleans up the headers on the
request in preparation for forwarding it to Kubernetes. The
[ImpersonatingHandler]() uses the user Info object to set Impersonate-* headers
on the request, which Kubernetes uses to decide access.

### Dashboard

Steve is designed to be consumed by a graphical user inferface and therefore
serves one by default, even in the test server. The default UI is the Rancher
Vue UI hosted on It can be viewed by visiting the running
steve instance on port 9443 in a browser.

The UI can be enabled and customized by passing options to [NewUIHandler()]().
For example, to create a route that serves an alternative index.html, add the
index.html to a directory called `./ui`, then create a route that serves a
custom UI handler:

import (

func routes() http.Handler {
custom := ui.NewUIHandler(&Options{
Index: func() string {
return "./ui/index.html"
router := mux.NewRouter()
router.Handle("/hello", custom.IndexFile())
return router
If no options are set, the UI handler will serve the latest index.html file from the Rancher Vue UI.
### Misc
#### Cluster Cache
The cluster cache keeps watches of all resources with registered schemas. This
is mainly used to update the summary cache and resource counts, but any module
could add a handler to react to any resource change or get cached cluster data.
For example, if we wanted a handler to log all "add" events for newly created
import (
func logSecretEvents(server *server.Server) {
server.ClusterCache.OnAdd(context.TODO(), func(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, key string, obj runtime.Object) error {
if gvk.Kind == "Secret" {
logrus.Infof("[event] add: %s", key)
return nil
#### Aggregation

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