luet-mtree is a plugin for luet to create and check mtree validation files. Currently is in use by cOS-toolkit during packages build to generate the checksums and to validate those packages during system upgrades
Checks a file or dir against a validation file. This command supports parsing a validation file against a tar archive uncompressed or compressed with zstd/gzip instead of a file/dir
luet-mtree check [file or dir] [validation file] [flags]
-x, --exclude strings Exclude paths from check. Checks against the path prefix, so 'oem/' will cover both 'oem/' and 'oem/features/' paths.
-f, --format string Format for output. Choices are bsd, path and json. (default "bsd")
-h, --help help for check
Generate a checksum file for the file or dir provided This command supports generating a validation file from a tar archive uncompressed or compressed with zstd/gzip instead of a file/dir
luet-mtree generate [file or dir] [flags]
-h, --help help for generate
-k, --keywords strings Keywords to use to generate the tree (sha256 will automatically be added)
-o, --output string Name for output file, otherwise it defaults to stdout
When used as a plugin to luet (by calling luet with --plugin luet-mtree
, see plugin docs) luet emits events based on the actions being performed.
We take those events and payloads and execute an action depending on their contents.
You can manually test those events by calling luet-mtree with no subcommands and 2 params. The first being the event emitted (see events emmited by luet here) and the second a json payload, the contents depend on the type of event.
luet-mtree '' '{"data": {"Image": "", "Dest": "/tmp/upgrade"}}'
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.