PIYAUG is yet another unfinished game
PIYAUG is a top down multiplayer assault shooter. It exists because Stefan and Tom decided to build a game to play at a local LAN party.
The game should have a fairly fast-pieced gameplay, encourage teamwork, and allow for flexible number of players. The game should try to make the most out of the LAN party experience, avoiding certain mistakes (like very slow respawn times), and underlining what works well (like emergent gameplay).
The game is built with Unity 3D, graphical assets are created with Blender, GIMP and Photoshop.
The Wiki contains both the technical and the user documentation, while new features and bugs can be tracked through the Issue Tracker.
In the Wiki we can find a glossary, a list of personas, user stories, the manual and the game design document
The development progress can be tracked through by checking which milestones have been reached. Each issue should be assigned to a milestone by either Stefan or Tom. The issues should be tagged with all labels that are appropriate for them. Each issue should be assigned to a team member as soon as possible.