This repository contains example usage of contract tests using two frameworks:
- Spring Cloud Contract (
- Pact (
Both projects use very simple application to show how to test communication using contract testing. This application consists of two services:
- payment-service, which exposes the REST API (producer)
- order-service, which is a consumer of the REST API (consumer)
Contracts of REST API are located in /src/contractTest/resources/contracts/orderService
in payment-service repository
To generate the tests and stub you should ececute Gradle's build:
./gradlew build
Executing this command generates:
- The test which confirm that REST API of payment-service conforms requirements written down in the contract
- The stub which corresponds to the requirements in the contract
Generated test is located under /build/generated-test-sources/contractTest/groovy/com/rmaciak/payment/OrderServiceSpec.groovy
The stub is located under /build/libs/payment-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-stubs.jar