Releases: rakutentech/ios-analytics-framework
Releases · rakutentech/ios-analytics-framework
Public Analytics SDK Release v10.0.3
Built from internal commit e24d92f293719b5ade0327671b7ccd707bd91720
Bug fixes
- CONRAT-33270: Fix PrivacyReport generation for SPM and update Privacy Tracking Domains.
Public Analytics SDK Release v10.0.2
Built from internal commit 2f0a2b0f60041133f2e4e0e3154ba2f16a555619
Crash fixes
- CONRAT-32190: Fix a crash that occurs when watchOS interact with iOS in terminat state.
- CONRAT-30888: Add Privacy Manifest file with Privacy info usage description and Required Reason API.
- CONRAT-30314: Show an empty page in Sample app to test pv event tracking.
- CONRAT-32046: Change Geo Tracker batching delay from 15 minutes to 60 seconds.
- CONRAT-32200: Fix local CI build to support macOS Sonoma.
Unit tests
- CONRAT-29129: BDD test cases for dln field Device Language.
- CONRAT-30217: Migrate ClassManipulatorUIApplicationTests.m to Swift.
- CONRAT-30240: Fix ReferralAppTrackingSceneDelegateSpec failure on Bitrise.
- CONRAT-30252: Remove
. - CONRAT-30452: Refactor test file suffix to Spec.
- CONRAT-30239: Update Readme about migration of RAE to IDSDK.
- CONRAT-31053: Update README about CTCarrier API deprecation.
- CONRAT-30618: Remove RAnalytics/Core from README.
- CONRAT-31467: Update information about time interval based collection.
Public Analytics SDK Release v10.0.1
Built from internal commit ec6dd3e31d7b1c17d5522ef79ef12b22028b0eba
- CONRAT-29393: Add more tests to CKP in DeviceIdentifierHandlerSpec.
- CONRAT-29521: Change payload format of action parameters for
Public Analytics SDK Release v10.0.0
Built from internal commit 621ed8a50caa72447a780a8e5bfa1efc2680a28c
- CONRAT-27822: Update rsdks parameter format.
- CONRAT-28242: Expose public methods of GeoManager in Geo module.
- CONRAT-28248: Add GeoTracker to Geo Module.
- CONRAT-28353: Save Configuration from application for GeoManager.
- CONRAT-28669: Implement timer based location collection.
- CONRAT-28793: Implement distance based location collection.
- CONRAT-28380: Implement stop location collection.
- CONRAT-28904: Add background modes location updates capability.
- CONRAT-29001: Save default configuration when nil is passed in startLocationCollection.
- CONRAT-29102: Carrier Identification.
- SDKCF-6199: Move sharedPayload to RAnalyticsState extension and rename it to corePayload.
- SDKCF-6210: Remove unused DependenciesFactory protocol.
- CONRAT-27844: Remove unused extension - URLSession+Result.
- CONRAT-27882: Improve rsdks tests in CoreHelpersSpec by injecting Bundle.allFrameworks in CoreHelpers.
- CONRAT-27917: Add app_info parameter for update event.
- CONRAT-27898: Add pitari and geo cocoapods dependencies to RModulesList.plist file.
- CONRAT-28085: Remove all deprecated public APIs.
- CONRAT-28071: Remove SDKTracker.
- CONRAT-28459: Move Geo Classes to Core.
- CONRAT-28481: Refactor GeoTracker to handle negative values.
- CONRAT-28496: Refactor Public Methods Exposed in GeoManager.
- CONRAT-28527: Replace ActionParameters by GeoActionParameters.
- CONRAT-28251: Move GeoTracker from GeoManager to AnalyticsManager.
- CONRAT-28597: Refactor GeoConfiguration.
- CONRAT-28751: Process loc event with AnalyticsManager in order to add additional state parameters.
- CONRAT-28743: Refactor 'loc' field with action Parameters in single Map Object.
- CONRAT-28813: Remove GeoSharedPreferences.
- CONRAT-29099: Remove unused dependencies in GeoManager.
- CONRAT-29118: Improve didDetermineState delegate based on region id.
- CONRAT-29127: Refactor 'dln' field to retrieve correct device language.
Bug fixes
- CONRAT-28848: Make the maximum upload time interval configurable in RAnalyticsSender for GeoTracker.
- CONRAT-28925: Fix missing action parameters on request location.
- CONRAT-28848: Handle background timer calculation for GeoTracker.
- CONRAT-29004: Fix configured time interval functionality for start/stop location collection.
- CONRAT-29331: Fix the issue by refraining from sending empty simopn and simop values.
- CONRAT-27817: Remove dependency on RSDKUtils.
- CONRAT-27901: Create a documentation for Internal JSON Serialization in
- CONRAT-28901: Add documentation for Location Tracking in
Sonarqube fixes
- CONRAT-28044: Fix Reachability.swift SonarQube issues.
- CONRAT-28054: Fix CoreInfosCollector SonarQube issue.
- CONRAT-28056: Fix String+Extensions.swift SonarQube issues.
- CONRAT-28957: Fix LocationModel internal init - SonarQube issue.
- CONRAT-28958: Remove the unnecessary Boolean literal in LocationModel - SonarQube Issue.
- CONRAT-29000: Remove backticks (`) from "internal" and rename it to inner in RAnalyticsInternalOrigin - Sonarqube Issue.
- CONRAT-29007: Rename this field "_endpointURL" to match the regular expression ^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$. - SonarQube issue.
Unit tests
- CONRAT-27983: Improve the RAT Tracking tests with CoreHelpers injection.
- CONRAT-28146: Fix RP Cookie Fetcher Integration Spec failing test.
- CONRAT-28195: Create BDD tests for isTrackableAsPageVisit.
- CONRAT-28528: Improve UIViewControllerExtensionsSpec BDD Tests in oder to test the fix made in CONRAT-28236.
- CONRAT-28931: Add missed Test cases for Action Parameters in requestLocation.
- CONRAT-28951: Create a separate folder for Geo BDD Test Files.
- CONRAT-29006: Add comments to GeoManager public functions about main thread warnings.
- CONRAT-29314: Update for UIKit's pv event.
Public Analytics SDK Release v9.8.1
Built from internal commit 4b19aed5de3993be69a88c2b08994f730b0e338f
Crash fixes
- SDKCF-28236: Fix a crash that occurs when a view controller's view is nil.
Public Analytics SDK Release v9.8.0
Built from internal commit fb456a8706de36ff5278a31bb0d8f3b3fe477217
- SDKCF-6124: Override User Agent value in WKWebView.
- SDKCF-6047: Improve CKP code coverage to 100%.
- SDKCF-6197: Add description to each RAT key in PayloadParameterKeys.
- SDKCF-6109: Remove Push events tracking logic from RAnalytics.
Build fixes
- SDKCF-6198: Fix the sample app build.
Public Analytics SDK Release v9.7.0
Built from internal commit 17c96ca87179b561fc2b6cc4b1362461e514acd6
- SDKCF-5839: Implement the easy RAT integration verification method.
RAnalytics SDK throws an exception in DEBUG MODE whenRATAccountIdentifier
keys are missing in the app's Info.plist
RAnalytics SDK tracking is disabled in RELEASE MODE whenRATAccountIdentifier
keys are missing in the app's Info.plist - SDKCF-5876: Enable/Disable App-to-App referral tracking.
- SDKCF-6001: Add a public API in Analytics SDK to retrieve Device ID (ckp value).
- SDKCF-6007: Set date header in HTTP request.
- SDKCF-5880: Secure the Easy ID storage and handle the Easy ID migration from the user defaults to the keychain.
- SDKCF-6008: Use init instead of ratRequest in order to improve the internal API of RAnalytics.
Doc improvements
- SDKCF-5892: Add the release workflow documentation.
Build fixes
- SDKCF-5738: Fix AnalyticsManager failing tests by simulating Cookie Store Observer.
- SDKCF-5927: Xcode 14 CI build compatibility with Bitrise.
- SDKCF-5928: Fixed SPM Sample build lanes signing error on Xcode 14.
- SDKCF-6069: Refactor documentation generation process
Warning fixes
- SDKCF-5917: Fix
warning for Projects based on Cocoapods. - SDKCF-5918: Fix CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() warning in Xcode 14.0 (14A309).
Unit tests
- SDKCF-5936: Add BDD Tests to ApplicationSceneManifest.
- SDKCF-5953: Fix the Page Visit failing tests in RAnalyticsRATTrackerProcessSpec.
- SDKCF-5954: Create BDD Tests for getWebViewURL function.
- SDKCF-5955: Fix RAnalyticsCookieInjectorSpec failing tests by using a mock of WKHTTPCookieStore.
- SDKCF-5956: Migrate RpCookieTests to BDD Tests.
Public Analytics SDK Release v9.6.0
Built from internal commit 5d55ee582a92f2e6b2c9e8ad60383ee7a9045bf3
Public Analytics SDK Release v9.5.0
Built from internal commit 2761ec310c4d670ce5b28b5c44da1d359eb38a41
Public Analytics SDK Release v9.4.1
Built from internal commit fb7ab41a5d47251ad7633d922c8085f930c9d8b0