Script to setup a FreeBSD machine for server-use
This script is meant to be run once after a fresh installation of FreeBSD. It will do an update of the system, install some packages and setup some stuff you could like to have on a server machine such as languagesettings, tmp-cleanup, ntp, OpenSMTPd, vim-lite, etc.
To get all benefits out of this script you should not add a user during installation, but after having this script added some config-files to the homedir-skeleton. If you have added users nevertheless, the script will ask you to remove them in order to re-add them afterwards.
After having done a freh installation of FreeBSD (I'd recommend not to add a user during installation, but after this script has done its work) log in as root and download the script like this:
fetch --no-verify-peer
If the script has done its job and everything went well reboot into your new desktop