- 👋 Hi, I’m @rajeshangappan
- 👀 I’m interested in .net full stack development.
- 📫 you can reach me [email protected] ...
- Upwork profile - https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~011f2f1e7e0530daec
looking for long term projects.
- 12+ years experience in .Net Technologies
- 6+ years experience in MicroService and Azure
- 6+ years experience in Xamarin forms and MAUI.
- 10+ years experience in Asp. NET MVC and WEB API
- 5+ years experience in Windows Presentation Foundation
- 10+ experience in Windows and WPF
- Good experience in DevOps and using source Control like GIT, SVN & TFS.
- Good experience of using 3rd part toolkit like Dev Express, Telerik and Syncfusion Controls.
- Developing Xamarin mobile application end-end..