Releases: rajanrx/SM
Releases · rajanrx/SM
Added more unit test
- Added uni tests
- Generated test coverage report
- Fixed datetime timezone issue
First Release
Only return recommendations that contain the input genre
Only return recommendations that have a showing time 30 minutes ahead of the
input time
If more than one recommendation is returned order them by rating.
If there are no suitable recommendations the application should return "no movie
- Write the application as though it were a production application
o Consider SOLID design principles
o The code should be maintainable and extensible
o If you use dependencies consider how these are maintained and included
Include unit tests
Provide the code as a complete git repository or a link to a github/bitbucket/public
- Provide clear documentation of any required procedures to use the code
Based on the example source JSON and the input data time: 12:00, genre: animation, the
application should return:
Zootopia, showing at 7pm
Shaun The Sheep, showing at 7pm