Experiments from our work Uncertainty Quantification and Deep Ensemble https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.08792
For the visualization of the under-confidence of ensembles and how pool-then-calibrate helps regain calibration please look into the notebook evaluate_uq.ipynb
In order to train a Deep Ensemble, use the python file train_ensemble.py
. To get details of the command line arguments use the command python train_ensemble.py --h
This will give the detailed usage of the arguments
Train multiple models sequentially
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Name of the dataset
--datadir DATADIR Path to dataset
--nmodel NMODEL How many models to train (Deep Ensemble)
--mixup MIXUP Alpha for mixup, omit to train without mixup
--ntrain NTRAIN How many training example to include, -1 for full
--nval NVAL How many validation example to include
--epoch EPOCH Number of epochs to train
--max_lr MAX_LR Maximum learning rate during LR scheduling
--bsize BSIZE Batch size
--wd WD Weight decay
For example, if you need to train a Deep Ensemble on CIFAR10 dataset with 1000 training samples and mixup with alpha 0.5, use the command
python train_ensemble.py --dataset CIFAR10 --nmodel 5 --mixup 0.5 --ntrain 1000 --epoch 300 --max_lr 0.05 --bsize 500 --wd 7e-4 --datadir /home/data/