Our Qxf2 Team created a web application to help testers learn Selenium and practice a programming language simultaneously. You can visit http://weathershopper.pythonanywhere.com. Each page will have an 'i' icon that you can click and read the task you need to complete.
NOTE: The web application may seem really simple on the surface but we have randomized the data on each page just enough that you will find some parts challenging.
You can stop reading here if you don't want too many details
By completing this challenge, here is what you will do on the Selenium side of things: a) Scraping text b) Button click c) Wrestle with writing robust locators d) Fill input fields e) Look for form validation f) Handle multiple paths to a button click g) Keep track of dynamic data (e.g.: items change every time page is loaded) h) Waiting for form submission
By completing this challenge, here is what you will do on the programming side of things: a) if-else b) typecast scraped data c) loop through elements d) write code to identify the minimum e) substring search f) write good methods g) simple arithmetic operations (sum of) h) assert correctness i) work with 2-D arrays to construct a good locator