IP Address: SSH Port: 2200 URL for App: http://ec2-52-27-38-159.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/
Installed apps: Updated all installed apps and installed the follwoing. VirtualEnv - configured virtual enviroment Flask Python Pip Used to install the following Sql Allchemy Google OAuth2 Pysocopg2 Git - installed and used to sync ReadMe.md Apache - Created new Virtual host for port 80. UFW - restricted acces to all ports except for NPT/123, HTTP/80 and SSH/2200 Postgresql - crated user catalog to acecss new database itemcatalog Fail2ban - Bans repeated failed logins to server
Configured apps:
Added cron job to run update script daily
Fail2ban configured for servers firewall
Consulted Resources: