This is a Python implementation of the MuSig2 multisignature scheme, proposed by several Bitcoin contributors. It's a scheme to create aggregated multisignatures securly and trustlessly between different signing participants. The signature scheme in use is the schnorr signature scheme. Changes that will happen in the future to the draft or the reference implementation will be adjusted here.
The schnorr specification is defined in BIP-340 and the code and test vectors are used from here.
The MuSig code is following the implementation for libsecp256k1 as well as the test vectors are extracted from that implementation.
Note: Use this package only for testing and learning, but not for live use cases. Don't risk funds, it doesn't save the keys and is not constant time.
Python 3 is required.
git clone git://
cd MuSig
python3 install
# multiple signer can create aggregated signature on a combined public key
# signer Alice and Bob doing the same steps in parallel
#Alice's session:
import os
from pymusig import CombinedPubkey, MuSigSession, schnorr_verify
# count signer
# id from signer Alice
i_alice = 0
#set the message and list of pubkeys
pubkeys = [pubkey_alice, pubkey_bob]
msg = sha256(b'Some Message')
#create combined pubkey
combined_pk = CombinedPubkey(pubkeys)
#create session
#WARNING:every session needs a new random session ID, otherwise a malicious signer can extract the secret key
session_id_alice = os.urandom(32)
session_alice = MuSigSession(session_id_alice, N_SIGNERS, i_alice, seckey_alice, combined_pk.get_key(), combined_pk.get_pre_session(), msg)
#Three rounds of communication are necessary
#1. Round: receive and exchange Nonce commitments
nonce_commitment_alice = session_alice.get_nonce_commitment()
nonce_commitments = [nonce_commitment_alice, nonce_commitment_bob]
#2. Round: receive and exchange Nonces
nonce_alice = session_alice.get_public_nonce(nonce_commitments)
nonces = [nonce_alice, nonce_bob]
if session_alice.set_nonce(nonces)
#create combined Nonce and partial signature for Alice
if session_alice.combine_nonces()
signature_alice = session_alice.partial_sign()
#3. Round: exchange and validate partial signatures, create a combined signature
if session_alice.partial_sig_verify(signature_bob, pubkey_bob, i_bob)
sigs = [signature_alice, signature_bob]
final_sig = session_alice.partial_sig_combine(sigs)
#verify the schnorr signature
if schnorr_verify(msg, combined_pk.get_key(), final_sig)
A detailed example of a signature with three parties can be found under /tests/