GpGpu polygon painter
Inspired by
Requires :
Opengl >= 2.1 + some extensions (fbo, half float texture) or Opengl >= 3.0
Platform : linux (ok), windows (seems ok), darwin (not tested)
P.ex with an old laptop with intel GMA4500M and 1000 triangles :
-with 1 slice : 110 changes / seconde
$sudo intel_gpu_time ./monaev --image mona.png --slicenb 1 --polyvertexcount 1000,3
score mutation improv. neutral child. fitness change/s
7823338 1400 56 0 25 75.047 108.52
7805378 1525 61 0 25 75.105 108.73
user: 1.056000s, sys: 0.328000s, elapsed: 14.903300s, CPU: 9.3%, GPU: 97.8%
-with 8 slices : 190 changes / seconde
$sudo intel_gpu_time ./monaev --image mona.png --slicenb 8 --polyvertexcount 1000,3
score mutation improv. neutral child. fitness change/s
6499518 2600 104 0 25 79.270 188.48
user: 2.672000s, sys: 0.636000s, elapsed: 14.695536s, CPU: 22.5%, GPU: 97.1%
I didn't focus on how the change/mutation are done so a local optimum is relatively quickly reached.
I always use the same image when testing, so with a good mutation selection this quality could be reached.
USAGE: monaev --image path --dna path [OPTIONS]
monaev --image path --polyvertexcount polygon_nb,vertex_nb [OPTIONS]
Then with the focus on the window, Interactive Command Keys:
Esc/Enter : quit
Space : print dna
T : switch displayed image/shapes
P : pause/unpause
S : print svg
H : display Interactive Command Keys help
Mouse Command:
Left double click : Resize window to image size.
--descendantnb ARG Nb of descendant per generation.
--dna ARG Path to a dna file associated with the image to
--dropneutral Drop neutral changes.
--force16bit Always uses 16 bit textures for evaluation
calculations. Always set for opengl 2.1.
Variable decrease of the performance, increase
of the gpu load.
--help Display this help.
--image ARG Path to the png image to paint. [mandatory]
--polyvertexcount ARG1[,ARGn] Number of polygon (>= 1) followed by number of
vertex (>= 3) to paint, separated by a comma
--slicenb ARG Divide polygon rendering for reuse [1,polygon
count], if 0 calibrate for performance, if not
set use 1 slice. Evaluation results slightly
change with the nb of slice.
--ssd Evaluate with sum of squared differences instead
of sum of absolute differences.
monaev --image mona.png --dna mona.txt --descendantnb 100
monaev --image bear.png --polyvertexcount 1000,4 --ssd --dropneutral