,,Limbaje formale si automate"
Cerinta proiect 1: Implement a library/program in a programming language of your choosing to load and validate a DFA input file. Implement a library/program in a programming language ofyour choosing to test acceptance of a DFA
Cerinta proiect 2: Extend the library/program you implemented in Project_1 tol oad and validate a NFA input file Implement a library/program in a programming language ofyour choosing to test acceptance of a NFA. (bonus) Implement a library/program in a programming lan-guage of your choosing to test acceptance of anε−NFA
Cerinta proiect 3: Implement a library/program in a programming language ofyour choosing to simulate the Myhill-Nerode theorem - minimize a DFA to thesmallest DFA with the same level ofcompleteness. (bonus) Implement a library/program in a programming lan-guage of your choosing to minimize a DFA to the smallest (potentially) incom-plete DFA.
Cerinta proiect 4: Iplement a program in a programming language of your choosing to crawl a category of the ads listing website olx.ro and generate auto-matic sub-categorizations of the listings using regular expressions.For the purpose of crawling and navigating through the HTML DOM tree, you may use any specialized library you wish, in any programming language. For maximum score you must build at least 10 sub-categorization filters, and display the results into a webpage.
Cerinta proiect 5: Create a program-readable format to fully describe aCon-text Free Grammar. Your format should differentiate between terminals,non-terminals, productions and start point.Implement a library/program in a programming language of your choosing toload and validate a CFG in the format you created.c f gv a l i d a t i o ne n g i n e . p y c f gc o n f i gf i l eYou must also include two additional files along with the script:•A READMDE file to describe your format•An example cfgconfigfile input
Cerinta proiect 6:
Implement a library/program (in a programming language of your choice) to load and validate a configuration file of a TM with one head and two tapes. Also implement a simulator for this type of TM
Cerinta proiect 7:
Create a configuration file for a one head, two tapes TM that recognize the language L = {w#w|where w is a string} and also check for the integrity of the tapes (if they are identical).