These are my dotfiles for use on arch and ubuntu based linux distributions. My setup includes:
- tmux
- neovim
- alacritty
- zsh
Feel free to use any of the configurations herein as inspiration.
- clone the repository
cd ~
git clone --bare .dotfiles
- include dotfiles alias in .bashrc / .zshrc
echo alias dotfiles=\'git --git-dir='$HOME'/.dotfiles --work-tree='$HOME'\' >> .bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
dotfiles config status.showUntrackedFiles no # don't track files noting $HOME work-tree
dotfiles checkout # populates dotfiles to their respective locations
cd ~/.config/nvim
dotfiles submodule update # clones the submodule nvim which may not happen automatically
Once setup, useful commands include:
dotfiles status
dotfiles add <filename> # add a new dotfile
dotfiles add -u # add unstaged files
Radley E. Sidwell-Lewis