Created by Andy Le for
Web Plugins:- JQuery v1.11.3 (included)
- Bootstrap v3.3.6 (included)
- PURL v2.3.1 (included)
- JS Date 1.0 Alpha-1 (included)
- Toastr (included)
- fancyBox 2.1.5 (included)
- Cropper v2.3.2 (included)
- DataTables 1.10.11 (included)
ASP.NET (C#) Plugins/Libraries:
- ClearCanvas DICOM libraries *(compile your own)
- PetaPoco v5.1.153 (included as NuGet package)
- Newtonsoft.Json v8.0.3 (included as NuGet package)
You must download the ClearCanvas source files and compile your own DICOM libraries in order for the app to interact with PACS and read DICOM files.
- Was written completely in Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition (free)
- All JavaScript coding is written directly on the HTML files and are not in their own source files, this should make it easier to test changes.
- This app requires the database and the Agent to be running first before this web app can be deployed
Further detailed instructions can be found on the manual here: