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This repository is no longer maintained. I recommend using Tide as a faster and more featureful alternative. To make it look close to Powerfish, you can use the following settings:

set -g tide_left_prompt_items vi_mode context pwd terraform virtual_env rustc git
set -g tide_right_prompt_items status jobs
set -g tide_pwd_color_anchors black
set -g tide_pwd_color_dirs black
set -g tide_pwd_color_truncated_dirs black
set -g tide_vi_mode_bg_color_default brred
set -g tide_vi_mode_color_default black
set -g tide_vi_mode_icon_default N
set -g tide_vi_mode_bg_color_insert green
set -g tide_vi_mode_color_insert black
set -g tide_vi_mode_icon_insert I
set -g tide_vi_mode_bg_color_replace yellow
set -g tide_vi_mode_color_replace black
set -g tide_vi_mode_icon_replace R
set -g tide_vi_mode_bg_color_visual brmagenta
set -g tide_vi_mode_color_visual black
set -g tide_vi_mode_icon_visual V
set -g tide_virtual_env_icon '🐍'


Powerfish is an elegant and informative prompt for Fish inspired by agnoster-zsh-theme and Powerline. The prompt only shows information relevant to the context, so it won't clutter your screen. But enough talking, a picture is worth a thousand words:



Powerfish displays the following:

  • Current Vi mode
  • Flags:
    • private mode
    • failure of previous command
    • number of background jobs
  • Kubernetes context
  • Terraform workspace
  • Vagrant status
  • Python virtual environment
  • Ruby version
  • User:
    • Non-default user
    • Elevated priviledges
  • Remote host
  • Current working directory
  • Git, via colors and flags:
    • Dirty or conficted working directory
    • Branch name or detached head
    • Number of commits ahead/behind remote
    • Number of untracked/modified/staged/conflicted/stashed files

And that's not all! You can choose from several different color themes - the default (on the picture), Tomorrow Night, Solarized Dark or Solarized Light.



You can install Powerfish via Fisherman:

fisher radek-sprta/powerfish


Alternatively, for manual install from Git, first clone the repository:

git clone [email protected]:radek-sprta/powerfish.git

Then copy the to overwrite your current prompt.

mkdir -p ~/.config/fish/functions/
cp ~/.config/fish/functions/

For best experience, you should use one of the Powerline-patched fonts.


You can override some of the default options in your

set -g DEFAULT_USER username
set -g pf_no_counters true
set -g pf_color_theme default|tomorrow-night|solarized-dark|solarized-light
  • set -g DEFAULT_USER username hides the default username.
  • set -g pf_no_counters hides the counter for git files, jobs etc.
  • set -g pf_color_theme change the color theme to tomorrow-night, solarized-dark, solarized-light or back to default

Alternatively, you can use powerfish command to set these.

Usage: powerfish help
       powerfish color COLOR
       powerfish counters true|false
       powerfish separator SEPARATOR
       powerfish user USER

color      Choose theme (default, tomorrow-night, solarized-dark, solarized-light)
counter    Whether to show counters [default true]
help       Show this help
separator  Configure prompt separator [such as ; leave empty for flat separation]
user       Set the default user


Powerfish is licensed under GNU GPLv3.


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