Ionic 5 start theme experiencing the best of new features about this new and definitive release: Angular 8 + Ionic 5 final.
- Angular 7
- @ionic/angular 4.0.0
- Ionic Native 5
- Ionic 5 Components/API Samples
- 6 Page Samples (8 with modals)
- 2 Page modals
- 2 Components
- Node 12.14.1
- Npm 6+
- Ionic CLI 6.9.1
$ npm install
$ ionic lab
More about here: Ionic 4 Start Theme (
- foodIonic 2 - Ionic 4 Restaurant and Food Order Theme
- ionBooking 2 - Ionic 4 Hotel Booking Theme
- ionBooking - Ionic 3 Hotel Booking Theme
- ionBooking Lite - Ionic 3 Hotel Booking Theme
- ionProperty - Ionic 3 Real Estate Properties Theme
- foodIonic - Ionic 3 Restaurant and Food Order Theme
- tripIonic - Ionic 3 flights cruises trains booking theme
- fireIonic - Ionic 3 Firebase Starter Kit
- Travel Bundle - Ionic 3 ionBooking and tripIonic Themes
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