Scan directories, load, parse to js object and merge many configs into single file/object.
- Highly customizable and composable: each component is a pure function and exposed to public: compose you own loaders
- Used globby for files matching
- Compatible with lorenwest node-config file loading scheme, but each file name can be prefixed by '#' separator
- Default loader supports json and yml files via nodeca js-yaml (can be overrided)
- Live reload support via webpack loader
# input1#dev.yaml
name: test
- t1
- t2
__push__: [testArray2]
- test1
- test2
# input2#dev.yaml
email: test-email
- t3
- test3
merged input1 + input2:
name: test
email: test-email
- t3
- test1
- test2
- test3
import {loadConfig} from 'node-config-loader'
import os from 'os'
mask: [
instance = 'server',
env = process.env.NODE_ENV,
hostname = os.hostname(),
tagSeparator = '#'
.then(config => console.log(config))
.catch(err => config.error(err.message))
Config load order:
- .configloaderrc
- webpack.config.js configLoader section
- webpack loader query params
import config from 'node-config-loader/webpack?env=prod&instance=client!./.configloaderrc'
Where .configloaderrc is
"mask": [
"instance": "client|server",
"env": "prod|dev",
"hostname" : "host",
"tagSeparator": "#"
mask is required, all other params are optional.
Available env vars in mask:
- {ROOT} - project root
- {DIRNAME} - .configloaderrc directory
- {PWD} - process.cwd()
- any process.env variable
// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new LoaderOptionsPlugin({
options: {
configLoader: {
env: isProduction ? 'prod' : 'dev',
instance: process.env.APP_INSTANCE || 'client'
module: {
loaders: [
test: /.*\.configloaderrc$/,
loader: 'node-config-loader/webpack'
npm install --save empty
module.name_mapper='.*\(\.configloaderrc\)' -> 'empty/object'
// getConfig.js
import config from '../conf/.configloaderrc'
import {merge} from 'node-config-loader'
function getRuntimeConfig({settings, location, referrer}) {
return {
env: {
origin: location.origin,
hash: location.hash,
pathname: location.pathname,
referrer: referrer
config: {
debug: settings.debug,
sitePrefix: settings.sitePrefix,
locale: {
lang: settings.locale
export default function getConfig(opts) {
return merge(config, getRuntimeConfig(opts))
// index.js
import getConfig from './getConfig'
const config = getConfig({
settings: window.settings || {},
location: window.location,
referrer: document.referrer
// config
// @flow
function merge(objects: Object[]): Object
function strMap(strs: string, templateArgs: {[id: string]: string}): string
interface CreateScannerOpts {
merge?: (acc: Object, src: Object) => Object;
parser?: (data: FileRec) => Promise<Object>;
readFile?: (fileName: string) => Promise<Buffer>;
type Scanner = (files: string[]) => Promise<Object>
function createScanner(opts?: CreateScannerOpts): Scanner
interface CreateNodeFilterOpts {
instance?: string;
hostname?: string;
tagSeparator?: string;
env?: string;
templates?: string[];
function createNodeFilter(opts: CreateNodeFilterOpts): (files: string[]) => string[]
interface GetFilesOptions extends CreateNodeFilterOpts {
mask: string[];
glob?: {
cwd?: string;
root?: string;
dot?: string;
nomount?: boolean;
mark?: boolean;
nosort?: boolean;
stat?: boolean;
readdir?: boolean;
silent?: boolean;
statCache?: Object;
symlinks?: Object;
debug?: boolean;
nonull?: boolean;
nounique?: boolean;
nobrace?: boolean;
noglobstar?: boolean;
noext?: boolean;
nocase?: boolean;
matchBase?: boolean;
nodir?: boolean;
ignore?: string;
follow?: boolean;
realpath?: boolean;
absolute?: boolean;
function getFiles(opts: GetFilesOptions): Promise<string[]>;
interface LoadConfigOptions extends GetFilesOptions, CreateScannerOpts {
mask: string[];
instance?: string;
hostname?: string;
tagSeparator?: string;
env?: string;
templates?: string[];
glob?: Object;
merge?: (acc: Object, src: Object) => Object;
parser?: (data: FileRec) => Promise<Object>;
readFile?: (fileName: string) => Promise<Buffer>;
function loadConfig(opts: LoadConfigOptions): Promise<Object>