Pulas is a Qt application and Javascript library that allow to print directly from Javascript (on your browser) to the printer without open any printing dialog. The application is using WebKit for rendering the content of html. So, it can contain live html means that it will able to render image that has link to live website. And it able to print any html or html5 to pdf.
- fully html and css compatible (also the js inside it)
- select and configure printer from the javascript
- print to pdf and download to the browser
- print raw (example sending ESC/P command to dot matrix)
- Please go to pulas.lekapin.com
- Download the binary package
- Run the pulasQt/pulas.exe and make sure to allow access network.
- Open pulasJS/example/full.html (make sure you have internet connection)
- check here wiki
- build binary that ready to use by user
- documentation how to use it
- example html js
- build javascript using gulp for optimizing
- print from pdf
- any suggestion?
- PulasQt is under GPL
- PulasJS is under LGPL
- apin ([email protected])
tags: html5 to pdf, javascript printing, web direct printing