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First version of nm mcsolve notebook
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Langhaarzombie committed Nov 27, 2024
1 parent 522e7b7 commit 6339ca3
Showing 1 changed file with 358 additions and 0 deletions.
358 changes: 358 additions & 0 deletions tutorials-v5/time-evolution/
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extension: .md
format_name: markdown
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jupytext_version: 1.13.8
display_name: Python 3
language: python
name: python3

# QuTiPv5 Paper Example: Monte Carlo Solver for non-Markovian Baths

Authors: Maximilian Meyer-Mölleringhof ([email protected]), Neill Lambert ([email protected])

## Introduction

When a quantum system experiences non-Markovian effects, it can no longer be described using the standard Lindblad formalism.
To compute the time evolution of the density matrix, we can however use time-convolutionless (TCL) projection operators that lead to a differential equation in time-local form:

$\dot{\rho} (t) = - \dfrac{i}{\hbar} [H(t), \rho(t)] + \sum_n \gamma_n(t) \mathcal{D}_n(t) [\rho(t)]$


$\mathcal{D}_n[\rho(t)] = A_n \rho(t) A^\dagger_n - \dfrac{1}{2} [A^\dagger_n A_n \rho(t) + \rho(t) A_n^\dagger A_n]$.

These equations include the system Hamiltonian $H(t)$ and jump operators $A_n$.
Contrary to a Lindblad equation, the coupling rates $\gamma_n(t)$ may be negative here.

In QuTiPv5, the non-Markovian Monte Carlo solver is introduced.
It enables the mapping of the general master equation given above, to a Lindblad equation on the same Hilbert space.
This is achieved by the introduction of so called "influence martingale" which act as trajectory weighting [\[1, 2, 3\]](#References):

$\mu (t) = \exp \left[ \alpha \int_0^t s(\tau) d \tau \right] \Pi_k \dfrac{\gamma_{n_k} (t_k)}{\Gamma_{n_k} (t_k)}$.

Here, the product runs over all jump operators on the trajectory with jump channels $n_k$ and jump times $t_k < t$.

The jump operators are required to fulfill the completeness relation $\sum_n A_n^\dagger A_n = \alpha \mathbb{1}$ for $\alpha > 0$.
This condition is automatically taken care off by QuTiP's `nm_mcsolve()` function.

To finally arrive at the Lindblad form, the shift function

$s(t) = 2 | \min \{ 0, \gamma_1(t), \gamma_2(t), ... \} |$,

such that the shifted rates $\Gamma_n (t) = \gamma_n(t) + s(t)$ non-negative.
Using the regular MCWF method, we obtain the completely positive Lindblad equation

$\dot{\rho}'(t) = - \dfrac{i}{\hbar} [ H(t), \rho'(t) ] + \sum_n \Gamma(t) \mathcal{D}_n[\rho'(t)]$,

so that $\rho'(t) = \mathcal{E} \{\ket{\psi(t)} \bra{\psi(t)}\}$ for the generated trajecotries $\ket{\psi (t)}$.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import qutip as qt
from qutip import (about, basis, brmesolve, expect, lindblad_dissipator,
liouvillian, mesolve, nm_mcsolve, qeye, sigmam, sigmap,
sigmax, sigmay, sigmaz)
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar

## Damped Jaynes-Cumming Model

To illustrate the application of `nm_mcsolve()`, we want to look at the damped Jaynes-Cumming model.
It describes a two-level atom coupled to a damped cavity mode.
Such a model can be accurately model as a two-level system coupled to an environment with the power spectrum [\[4\]](#References):

$S(\omega) = \dfrac{\lambda \Gamma^2}{(\omega_0 - \Delta - \omega)^2 + \Gamma^2}$,

where $\lambda$ is the atom-cavity coupling strength, $\omega_0$ is the transition frequency of the atom, $\Delta$ the detuning of the cavity and $\Gamma$ the spectral width.
At zero temperature and after performing the rotating wave approximation, the dynamics of the two-level atom can be described by the master equation

$\dot{\rho}(t) = \dfrac{A(t)}{2i\hbar} [ \sigma_+ \sigma_-, \rho(t) ] + \gamma (t) \mathcal{D}_- [\rho (t)]$,

with the state $\rho(t)$ in the interaction picture, the the ladder operators $\sigma_\pm$, the dissipator $\mathcal{D}_-$ for the Lindblad operator $\sigma_-$, and lastly $\gamma (t)$ and $A(t)$ being the real and imaginary parts of

$\gamma(t) + i A(t) = \dfrac{2 \lambda \Gamma \sinh (\delta t / 2)}{\delta \cosh (\delta t / 2) + (\Gamma - i \Delta) \sinh (\delta t/2)}$,

with $\delta = [(\Gamma - i \Delta)^2 - 2 \lambda \Gamma]^{1/2}$.

H = sigmap() * sigmam() / 2
initial_state = (basis(2, 0) + basis(2, 1)).unit()
tlist = np.linspace(0, 5, 500)

# Constants
gamma0 = 1
lamb = 0.3 * gamma0
Delta = 8 * lamb

# Derived Quantities
delta = np.sqrt((lamb - 1j * Delta) ** 2 - 2 * gamma0 * lamb)
deltaR = np.real(delta)
deltaI = np.imag(delta)
deltaSq = deltaR**2 + deltaI**2

# calculate gamma and A
def prefac(t):
return (
* gamma0
* lamb
/ (
(lamb**2 + Delta**2 - deltaSq) * np.cos(deltaI * t)
- (lamb**2 + Delta**2 + deltaSq) * np.cosh(deltaR * t)
- 2 * (Delta * deltaR + lamb * deltaI) * np.sin(deltaI * t)
+ 2 * (Delta * deltaI - lamb * deltaR) * np.sinh(deltaR * t)

def cgamma(t):
return prefac(t) * (
lamb * np.cos(deltaI * t)
- lamb * np.cosh(deltaR * t)
- deltaI * np.sin(deltaI * t)
- deltaR * np.sinh(deltaR * t)

def cA(t):
return prefac(t) * (
Delta * np.cos(deltaI * t)
- Delta * np.cosh(deltaR * t)
- deltaR * np.sin(deltaI * t)
+ deltaI * np.sinh(deltaR * t)

_gamma = np.zeros_like(tlist)
_A = np.zeros_like(tlist)
for i in range(len(tlist)):
_gamma[i] = cgamma(tlist[i])
_A[i] = cA(tlist[i])

gamma = CubicSpline(tlist, np.complex128(_gamma))
A = CubicSpline(tlist, np.complex128(_A))

unitary_gen = liouvillian(H)
dissipator = lindblad_dissipator(sigmam())
me_sol = mesolve([[unitary_gen, A], [dissipator, gamma]], initial_state, tlist)

mc_sol = nm_mcsolve(
[[H, A]],
ops_and_rates=[(sigmam(), gamma)],
options={"map": "parallel"},

## Comparison to other methods

We want to compare this computation with the HEOM and the Bloch-Refield solver.
For these methods we directly apply a spin-boson model and the free reservoir auto-correlation function

$C(t) = \dfrac{\lambda \Gamma}{2} e^{-i (\omega - \Delta) t - \lambda |t|}$

as well as the same power specture as we used above.
We use the Hamiltonian $H = \omega_0 \sigma_+ \sigma_-$ in the Schrödinger picture and the coupling operator $Q = \sigma_+ + \sigma_-$.
Here, we chose $\omega_0 \gg \Delta$ to ensure validity of the rotating wave approximation.

omega_c = 100
omega_0 = omega_c + Delta

H = omega_0 * qt.sigmap() * qt.sigmam()
Q = qt.sigmap() + qt.sigmam()

def power_spectrum(w):
return gamma0 * lamb**2 / ((omega_c - w) ** 2 + lamb**2)

Firstly, the HEOM solver can directly be applied after separating the auto-correlation function into its real and imaginary parts:

ck_real = [gamma0 * lamb / 4] * 2
vk_real = [lamb - 1j * omega_c, lamb + 1j * omega_c]
ck_imag = np.array([1j, -1j]) * gamma0 * lamb / 4
vk_imag = vk_real

heom_bath = qt.heom.BosonicBath(Q, ck_real, vk_real, ck_imag, vk_imag)
heom_sol = qt.heom.heomsolve(H, heom_bath, 10, qt.ket2dm(initial_state), tlist)

And secondly, for the Bloch-Redfield solver we can directly use the power spectrum as input:

br_sol = brmesolve(H, initial_state, tlist, a_ops=[(sigmax(), power_spectrum)])

Finally, in order to compare these results with the `nm_mesolve()` method, we transform them to the interaction picture:

Us = [(-1j * H * t).expm() for t in tlist]
heom_states = [U * s * U.dag() for (U, s) in zip(Us, heom_sol.states)]
br_states = [U * s * U.dag() for (U, s) in zip(Us, br_sol.states)]

### Plotting the Time Evolution

We choose to plot three comparisons to highlight the different solvers' computational results.
In all plots, the gray areas show when $\gamma(t)$ is negative.

root1 = root_scalar(lambda t: cgamma(t), method="bisect", bracket=(1, 2)).root
root2 = root_scalar(lambda t: cgamma(t), method="bisect", bracket=(2, 3)).root
root3 = root_scalar(lambda t: cgamma(t), method="bisect", bracket=(3, 4)).root
root4 = root_scalar(lambda t: cgamma(t), method="bisect", bracket=(4, 5)).root

projector = (sigmaz() + qeye(2)) / 2

rho11_me = expect(projector, me_sol.states)
rho11_mc = expect(projector, mc_sol.states[::10])
rho11_br = expect(projector, br_sol.states)
rho11_heom = expect(projector, heom_states)

plt.plot(tlist, rho11_me, "-", color="orange", label="mesolve")
plt.plot(tlist, rho11_br, "-.", color="gray", label="brmesolve")
plt.plot(tlist, rho11_heom, "--", color="green", label="heomsolve")

plt.xlabel(r"$t\, /\, \lambda^{-1}$")
plt.xlim((-0.2, 5.2))
plt.xticks([0, 2.5, 5], labels=["0", "2.5", "5"])
plt.ylim((0.4376, 0.5024))
plt.yticks([0.44, 0.46, 0.48, 0.5], labels=["0.44", "0.46", "0.48", "0.50"])

plt.axvspan(root1, root2, color="gray", alpha=0.08, zorder=0)
plt.axvspan(root3, root4, color="gray", alpha=0.08, zorder=0)


me_x = expect(sigmax(), me_sol.states)
mc_x = expect(sigmax(), mc_sol.states[::10])
heom_x = expect(sigmax(), heom_states)
br_x = expect(sigmax(), br_states)

me_y = expect(sigmay(), me_sol.states)
mc_y = expect(sigmay(), mc_sol.states[::10])
heom_y = expect(sigmay(), heom_states)
br_y = expect(sigmay(), br_states)

# We smooth the HEOM result because it oscillates quickly and gets hard to see
heom_plot = heom_x * heom_x + heom_y * heom_y
heom_plot = np.convolve(heom_plot, np.array([1 / 11] * 11), mode="valid")
heom_tlist = tlist[5:-5]

rho01_me = me_x * me_x + me_y * me_y
rho01_mc = mc_x * mc_x + mc_y * mc_y
rho01_br = br_x * br_x + br_y * br_y

plt.plot(tlist, rho01_me, "-", color="orange", label=r"mesolve")
plt.plot(tlist[::10], rho01_mc, "x", color="blue", label=r"nm_mcsolve")
plt.plot(heom_tlist, heom_plot, "--", color="green", label=r"heomsolve")
plt.plot(tlist, rho01_br, "-.", color="gray", label=r"brmesolve")

plt.xlabel(r"$t\, /\, \lambda^{-1}$")
plt.xlim((-0.2, 5.2))
plt.xticks([0, 2.5, 5], labels=["0", "2.5", "5"])
plt.title(r"$| \rho_{01} |^2$")
plt.ylim((0.8752, 1.0048))
[0.88, 0.9, 0.92, 0.94, 0.96, 0.98, 1],
labels=["0.88", "0.90", "0.92", "0.94", "0.96", "0.98", "1"],

plt.axvspan(root1, root2, color="gray", alpha=0.08, zorder=0)
plt.axvspan(root3, root4, color="gray", alpha=0.08, zorder=0)


plt.plot(tlist, np.zeros_like(tlist), "-", color="orange", label=r"Zero")
1000 * (mc_sol.trace[::10] - 1),

plt.xlabel(r"$t\, /\, \lambda^{-1}$")
plt.xlim((-0.2, 5.2))
plt.xticks([0, 2.5, 5], labels=["0", "2.5", "5"])
plt.title(r"$(\mu - 1)\, /\, 10^{-3}$")
plt.ylim((-5.8, 15.8))
plt.yticks([-5, 0, 5, 10, 15])

plt.axvspan(root1, root2, color="gray", alpha=0.08, zorder=0)
plt.axvspan(root3, root4, color="gray", alpha=0.08, zorder=0)


## References

\[1\] [Donvil and Muratore-Ginanneschi. Nat Commun (2022).](

\[2\] [Donvil and Muratore-Ginanneschi. New J. Phys. (2023).](

\[3\] [Donvil and Muratore-Ginanneschi. *Open Systems & Information Dynamics*.](

\[4\] [Breuer and Petruccione *The Theory of Open Quantum Systems*.](

## About


## Testing


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