Releases: quran/quran_android
Releases · quran/quran_android
Quran 2.4.0
- update to german translation (thanks br Armin Supuk)
- kurdish translation (thanks br Gharib Karim)
- improvements to search
- multiple sdcard support
- tablet support for reading view
- change color of text in translation view and night mode
- uyghur translation (thanks br Abduqadir Abliz)
- crash reporting to help us fix issues
- better images for galaxy s4 and htc one
Quran 2.3.1
- re-add long-press support on translation text
- fix several crashes based on google play console
- remove sura name translations in various languages
Quran 2.3.0
- sheikh Sudais gapless (thanks br Redouane Chaar)
- tag improvements (batch tag operations, etc) #235
- anti-alias overlay text (thanks @boussouira)
- bookmark and highlighting code improvements and bugfixes
- french translation (thanks @yasserKAD)
- chinese translation (thanks Bo Li)
- german translation (thanks @ArminSupuk)
- numbers are now localized properly
- sharing support
- translation text highlights when audio is playing #254
- assorted bugfixes
Quran 2.2.1
- sort bookmarks by date added or by location in the Quran
- bugfixes - #234
Quran 2.2.0
- fast switching between translations #218
- upgrade process for translations
- move to maven
- migrate audio files to /sdcard/quran_android/audio instead of temp app directory
- bookmarks changes
- exposed an intent to allow launching Quran directly to a page/verse - #183
- navigation using volume keys - #172
- fix navigation bar jumping on jellybean
- option to overlay page number, sura name, and juz' on the page - #159
- fix actionbar not toggling on translation view on honeycomb+ - #158
- fix ldpi devices not being able to download over 3g in certain cases - #167
- relax constraint on deciding whether or not data is downloaded - #196
Quran 2.1.0
- setting to bring back the old background color
- the "jump to" dialog is back!
- support for deleting bookmarks from the bookmarks screen
- setting for those who have their arabic render backwards
- app is now localized in Russian and Farsi
Quran 2.0.1 / 2.0.2
- fix market crashes
- we re-pushed this same code again as 2.0.2 to fix a build issue where files weren't recognized as utf8.
Quran 2.0.0
- new, improved ui and code rewrite
- gapless audio support
- ayah actions (bookmark, share, copy, tafseer)
- only supports sdks 2.1+
Quran 1.6.1
- download issue fixed
- restore locale issue fixed
Quran 1.6.0
- search! searches arabic text and translations!
- beta: audio repeat feature!
- beta: night mode!
- farsi translation now available, and app now localized in farsi (thanks khajavi).
- full arabic ui
- better images for ldpi devices.
- looks nicer now on tablet and large devices.
- bugfixes for ICS and 1.5 devices.
- many, many bugfixes and minor improvements.