Development tool for mapping source code Visualize source code through graphs
PyPi not implemented yet
python -m venv venv
pip install codecarto
git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update
Create a Github API token
- Login to Github
- Click Profile Image
- Go to Settings > Developer Settings (at the bottom of left pane) > Personal Access Tokens > Tokens (classic)
- Or go here
- Click "Generate New Token" dropdown
- Choose one of the token options
- Check the "public_repo" checkbox
- Copy the ghp token generated
- Go to your local codecartographer repo in file explorer
- At the root, create a new text file named "token.txt"
- PATH\TO\codecartographer\token.txt
- Paste your ghp token into token.txt and save
Open a shell terminal, navigate to codecartographer repo folder
Setup virtual environment
python -m venv venv
Install dependencies
poetry install
Install graphbase module
pip install -m graphbase
Docker Up
docker-compose -f ./graphbase/docker-compose.yml up --build -d && docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up --build -d
If you have problems with the above command, docker compose up graphbase, then docker compose up codecartographer
Once Docker containers are up, run the site by going to the codecartographer/web directory and running npm run dev.
cd web
npm install (only the first time)
npm run dev
Site will be running on localhost:1234
Click the Demo button in the top right to see a plot of a simple code graph.
Input a public github repository into the text field.
Click 'Submit'
The service will parse out the necessary information from the repo and open the file directory panel.
You can collapse the panel by clicking the yellow arrow button attached to the side of the panel.
You can open the panel by clicking the same yellow arrow button on the left hand side.
Once the file directory panel has been populated and opened, click any compatible file (the highlighted ones).
The service will begin reading the file url and plot a graph representing the file.
The graph is created using the Gravis library.
Not implemented quite yet
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down -v && docker-compose -f ./graphbase/docker-compose.yml down -v
If you have problems with the above command, docker compose down codecartographer, then docker compose down graphbase
Note: Tests are not implemented yet.