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Put Arbitrary instances for Cabal types in their own package.
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This is with the intention of the new package,
cabal-quickcheck-instances, being the blessed location for these
orphans, as QuickCheck acquiring a Cabal dependency or vice-versa
would be unsuitable.

This reduces some duplication (some presumably deliberate, and some
apparently accidental) and then some drift between the versions of
these instances.

Due to haskell#1575, the modules for the new package are shared with Cabal's
test-suite. This is less than ideal, but it's a workable hack.
  • Loading branch information
quasicomputational committed Nov 17, 2018
1 parent b57fa37 commit 8ac04b7
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Showing 16 changed files with 518 additions and 362 deletions.
14 changes: 12 additions & 2 deletions Cabal/Cabal.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -487,10 +487,20 @@ library
-- Small, fast running tests.
test-suite unit-tests
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
hs-source-dirs: tests

-- Some of the tests need Arbitrary instances. Ideally, we would
-- depend on the cabal-quickcheck-instances library and avoid
-- sharing source, but #1575 makes that impossible (as we'd have a
-- cycle between packages). If/when that's fixed and we arrive in
-- the glorious component-based future, this ugly hack can be
-- removed. In the meantime, as a workaround, we share the source
-- between this component and the c-q-i package.

hs-source-dirs: tests, cabal-quickcheck-instances
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300 changes: 300 additions & 0 deletions Cabal/cabal-quickcheck-instances/Distribution/Arbitrary/Instances.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-deprecations #-}
module Distribution.Arbitrary.Instances () where

import Control.Monad
( liftM
, liftM2
import Data.Char
( isAlphaNum
, isDigit
import Data.List
( intercalate
import Distribution.Simple.Flag
( Flag (..)
import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs
( PathTemplate
, toPathTemplate
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
( lowercase
import Distribution.SPDX
( LicenseId
, LicenseExceptionId
, LicenseExpression (..)
, LicenseListVersion (..)
, LicenseRef
, SimpleLicenseExpression (..)
, licenseExceptionIdList
, licenseIdList
, mkLicenseRef'
import Distribution.System
( Arch
, OS
, Platform (..)
, knownArches
, knownOSs
import Distribution.Types.Dependency
( Dependency (..)
import Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription
( FlagName
, mkFlagName
import Distribution.Types.LibraryName
( LibraryName (..)
import Distribution.Types.PackageName
( PackageName
, mkPackageName
import Distribution.Types.PackageVersionConstraint
( PackageVersionConstraint (..)
import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
( UnqualComponentName
, packageNameToUnqualComponentName
import Distribution.Verbosity
( Verbosity
import Distribution.Version
( Bound (..)
, LowerBound (..)
, UpperBound (..)
, Version
, VersionInterval
, VersionIntervals
, VersionRange (..)
, anyVersion
, earlierVersion
, intersectVersionRanges
, laterVersion
, majorBoundVersion
, mkVersion
, mkVersionIntervals
, orEarlierVersion
, orLaterVersion
, thisVersion
, unionVersionRanges
, version0
, versionNumbers
, withinVersion
import Test.QuickCheck
( Arbitrary ( arbitrary, shrink )
, elements
, frequency
, listOf1
, oneof
, sized
, suchThat

import Distribution.Arbitrary.Util

-- Instances from Distribution.Simple.Flag

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Flag a) where
arbitrary = arbitraryFlag arbitrary
shrink NoFlag = []
shrink (Flag x) = NoFlag : [ Flag x' | x' <- shrink x ]

-- Instances from Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs

instance Arbitrary PathTemplate where
arbitrary = toPathTemplate <$> arbitraryShortToken
shrink t = [ toPathTemplate s | s <- shrink (show t), not (null s) ]

-- Instances from Distribution.System

instance Arbitrary Arch where
arbitrary = elements knownArches

instance Arbitrary OS where
arbitrary = elements knownOSs

instance Arbitrary Platform where
arbitrary = liftM2 Platform arbitrary arbitrary

-- Instances from Distribution.Types.Dependency

instance Arbitrary Dependency where
arbitrary = Dependency <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> fmap getNonMEmpty arbitrary

-- Instances from Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription

instance Arbitrary FlagName where
arbitrary = mkFlagName <$> flagident
flagident = lowercase <$> shortListOf1 5 (elements flagChars)
`suchThat` (("-" /=) . take 1)
flagChars = "-_" ++ ['a'..'z']

-- Instances from Distribution.Types.LibraryName

instance Arbitrary LibraryName where
arbitrary = elements =<< sequenceA [LSubLibName <$> arbitrary, pure LMainLibName]

-- Instances from Distribution.Types.PackageName

instance Arbitrary PackageName where
arbitrary = mkPackageName . intercalate "-" <$> shortListOf1 2 nameComponent
nameComponent = shortListOf1 5 (elements packageChars)
`suchThat` (not . all isDigit)
packageChars = filter isAlphaNum ['\0'..'\127']

-- Instances from Distribution.Types.PackageVersionConstraint

instance Arbitrary PackageVersionConstraint where
arbitrary = PackageVersionConstraint <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary

-- Instances from Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName

instance Arbitrary UnqualComponentName where
-- same rules as package names
arbitrary = packageNameToUnqualComponentName <$> arbitrary

-- Instances from Distribution.Verbosity

instance Arbitrary Verbosity where
arbitrary = elements [minBound..maxBound]

-- Instances from Distribution.Version

instance Arbitrary Bound where
arbitrary = elements [ExclusiveBound, InclusiveBound]

instance Arbitrary Version where
arbitrary = do
branch <- smallListOf1 $
frequency [(3, return 0)
,(3, return 1)
,(2, return 2)
,(2, return 3)
,(1, return 0xfffd)
,(1, return 0xfffe) -- max fitting into packed W64
,(1, return 0xffff)
,(1, return 0x10000)]
return (mkVersion branch)
smallListOf1 = adjustSize (\n -> min 6 (n `div` 3)) . listOf1

shrink ver = [ mkVersion ns | ns <- shrink (versionNumbers ver)
, not (null ns) ]

-- | Generating VersionIntervals
-- This is a tad tricky as VersionIntervals is an abstract type, so we first
-- make a local type for generating the internal representation. Then we check
-- that this lets us construct valid 'VersionIntervals'.

instance Arbitrary VersionIntervals where
arbitrary = fmap mkVersionIntervals' arbitrary
mkVersionIntervals' :: [(Version, Bound)] -> VersionIntervals
mkVersionIntervals' = mkVersionIntervals . go version0
go :: Version -> [(Version, Bound)] -> [VersionInterval]
go _ [] = []
go v [(lv, lb)] =
[(LowerBound (addVersion lv v) lb, NoUpperBound)]
go v ((lv, lb) : (uv, ub) : rest) =
(LowerBound lv' lb, UpperBound uv' ub) : go uv' rest
lv' = addVersion v lv
uv' = addVersion lv' uv

addVersion :: Version -> Version -> Version
addVersion xs ys = mkVersion $ z (versionNumbers xs) (versionNumbers ys)
z [] ys' = ys'
z xs' [] = xs'
z (x : xs') (y : ys') = x + y : z xs' ys'

instance Arbitrary VersionRange where
arbitrary = sized verRangeExp
verRangeExp n = frequency $
[ (2, return anyVersion)
, (1, liftM thisVersion arbitrary)
, (1, liftM laterVersion arbitrary)
, (1, liftM orLaterVersion arbitrary)
, (1, liftM orLaterVersion' arbitrary)
, (1, liftM earlierVersion arbitrary)
, (1, liftM orEarlierVersion arbitrary)
, (1, liftM orEarlierVersion' arbitrary)
, (1, liftM withinVersion arbitrary)
, (1, liftM majorBoundVersion arbitrary)
, (2, liftM VersionRangeParens arbitrary)
] ++ if n == 0 then [] else
[ (2, liftM2 unionVersionRanges verRangeExp2 verRangeExp2)
, (2, liftM2 intersectVersionRanges verRangeExp2 verRangeExp2)
verRangeExp2 = verRangeExp (n `div` 2)

orLaterVersion' v =
unionVersionRanges (LaterVersion v) (ThisVersion v)
orEarlierVersion' v =
unionVersionRanges (EarlierVersion v) (ThisVersion v)

shrink AnyVersion = []
shrink (ThisVersion v) = map ThisVersion (shrink v)
shrink (LaterVersion v) = map LaterVersion (shrink v)
shrink (EarlierVersion v) = map EarlierVersion (shrink v)
shrink (OrLaterVersion v) = LaterVersion v : map OrLaterVersion (shrink v)
shrink (OrEarlierVersion v) = EarlierVersion v : map OrEarlierVersion (shrink v)
shrink (WildcardVersion v) = map WildcardVersion ( shrink v)
shrink (MajorBoundVersion v) = map MajorBoundVersion (shrink v)
shrink (VersionRangeParens vr) = vr : map VersionRangeParens (shrink vr)
shrink (UnionVersionRanges a b) = a : b : map (uncurry UnionVersionRanges) (shrink (a, b))
shrink (IntersectVersionRanges a b) = a : b : map (uncurry IntersectVersionRanges) (shrink (a, b))

-- Instances from Distribution.SPDX

instance Arbitrary LicenseId where
arbitrary = elements $ licenseIdList LicenseListVersion_3_2

instance Arbitrary LicenseExceptionId where
arbitrary = elements $ licenseExceptionIdList LicenseListVersion_3_2

instance Arbitrary LicenseExpression where
arbitrary = sized arb
arb n
| n <= 0 = ELicense <$> arbitrary <*> pure Nothing
| otherwise = oneof
[ ELicense <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
, EAnd <$> arbA <*> arbB
, EOr <$> arbA <*> arbB
m = n `div` 2
arbA = arb m
arbB = arb (n - m)

shrink (EAnd a b) = a : b : map (uncurry EAnd) (shrink (a, b))
shrink (EOr a b) = a : b : map (uncurry EOr) (shrink (a, b))
shrink _ = []

instance Arbitrary LicenseRef where
arbitrary = mkLicenseRef' <$> ids' <*> ids
ids = listOf1 $ elements $ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['0'..'9'] ++ "_-"
ids' = oneof [ pure Nothing, Just <$> ids ]

instance Arbitrary SimpleLicenseExpression where
arbitrary = oneof
[ ELicenseId <$> arbitrary
, ELicenseIdPlus <$> arbitrary
, ELicenseRef <$> arbitrary

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