Minor Breaking Changes
- #281 Datatable - Allow global search without tapping/clicking the filter icon
has been removed.- Instead, use
filter: true
for each column (in the column definition) to allow DataTable to make the column filterable.
- File Upload component (thanks to @murbanowicz for starting this; see screenshots at the bottom)
- Datetime Range component
- Internationalization is now ready (through props that can replace current default labels)
- CSS class
Vue directive- #232 Dialog - Prevent close
Utils.dom.setScrollPosition (scrollTargetElement, offset[, duration])
Utils.format.humanSize (size)
- turns numbers in kB, MB etc
- #286 Unable to remove cookies using Cookies.remove()
- #284 Hardcoded english in DataTable
- #287 Drawer - Bug on Open
- #253 Pull To refresh scroll not smoothly on ios
- #290 [ios] Numeric component value partially hidden (thanks to @caex )
- #289 Tabs "route" prop should support Object too (besides a String)
- #291 v-scroll directive fails to update correctly when parameters change
File Uploader component
Some screenshots with the new component: