Complete changelog
#38964 - Add smallrye metrics capability
#39668 - Recompute cache when the redis connection pool is exhausted
#39705 - WebSockets Next: error handlers part 1
#39717 - OIDC code flow access token verification is enforced even if the application code does not use it as JWT
#39718 - Enforce OIDC code flow access token verification only if JWT is in the application code
#39725 - Setting the correct CodeFlowVerifyAccessTokenDisabledTest test class name
#39742 - Fix a remaining reference to quarkus.resteasy-reactive. prefix
#39746 - ScheduledExecutorService: cannot remove future task from the scheduler
#39763 - WebSockets Next: error handlers part 2
#39766 - Properly handle array class types to be looked up
#39770 - Improve the multipart encoded mode handling in the rest client
#39776 - Cannot build native image after 3.9.1 upgrade - missing configuration properties but they exist
#39777 - Bean Param init issue - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/quarkus/generated/int$quarkusrestparamConverter$
#39790 - Add quarkus-credentials-deployment where it's missing
#39794 - Bump org.jboss.threads:jboss-threads from 3.6.0.Final to 3.6.1.Final
#39797 - Docs: fix typo in OIDC tenant resolution by configuration
#39798 - Update documentation for QUARKUS AND GRADLE - Development mode: quarkusDev#workingDir has been deprecated
#39804 - Always record profiles
#39823 - Ensure ParameterConverter is loaded from the TCCL
#39829 - Use quarkusDev#workingDirectory
#39835 - Bump maven-model-helper to 36
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