released this
23 Aug 10:39
Complete changelog
#35350 - Fix package type system property clearing
#35348 - quarkus-maven-plugin runs native building even if the profile is commented out
#35343 - ArC: fix StackOverflowError in AutoAddScopeBuildItem
#35319 - Register arrays of Hibernate ORM's JDBC basic types for reflection
#35315 - Fix Datasource timing issues with Liquibase / Flyway and OpenTelemetry
#35314 - Regression in 3.3.0.CR1: Synthetic bean instance for io.opentelemetry.api.OpenTelemetry not initialized yet
#35312 - Updates Infinispan to 14.0.13.Final
#35308 - Lock jib execution to avoid OverlappingFileLockException in parallel builds
#35305 - Fix the titles of the tables in RESTEasy Reactive doc
#35302 - Docs: Mention wilcard support in resteasy reactive XML serialisation exclude classes configuration
#35301 - Fix potential NPE in quarkus-csrf-reactive when no MediaType is found
#35299 - Output build graph using quarkus.builder.graph-output
#35285 - NullPointerException during http post request when quarkus-csrf-reactive extension is added to a project
#35283 - Upgrade proto-google-common-protos to 2.23.0
#35282 - Avoid keeping references to BytecodeRecorderImpl
#35276 - Reinstate DevModeTestUtil to avoid breaking other projects that depend on it
#35273 - Fix small typo in comment
#35263 - Stop the recovery service while ArC is still around
#35245 - Add missing info to init Jobs
#35244 - Init Jobs are missing ServiceAccount and Image Pull Secrets
#35240 - Update SmallRye Health to 4.0.4
#34071 - 3.1.1 Final - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Class java.util.UUID[] is instantiated reflectively but was never registered
#32800 - Duplicated checks in health check response
#11903 - Gradle multimodule project + quarkus-container-image-jib: OverlappingFileLockException
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