released this
13 Sep 16:56
Complete changelog
#27881 - Bump snakeyaml from 1.31 to 1.32
#27878 - Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 6.2.5.Final
#27877 - Upgrade JBoss Threads to 3.4.3.Final
#27861 - Fix compatibility issue with Redis 6
#27858 - Add link to Mutiny guide
#27831 - Redis GEO related error: ERR unsupported unit provided. please use m, km, ft, mi
#27814 - Fix link in redis.adoc
#27811 - More fixes related to 'The supplier returned null' message
#27805 - Prevent possible memory leak from Reactive REST Client multipart upload usage
#27799 - Use routing context end handler
#27780 - Upgrade to JBoss Threads 3.4.3.Final and silence JBoss Threads version printing via system property
#27772 - Fix handling of HTTP/2 H2 empty frames
#27720 - Make Mongo version used in MongoTestResource configurable
#27717 - Make MongoDB version configurable
#27698 - 'The supplier returned null' message if OIDC server connection fails
#27666 - Always instantiate Hibernate ORM collections in the default fetch group
#27581 - Bump snakeyaml from 1.30 to 1.31
#27556 - Make it easy to copy environment variables in config tables - add button
#26727 - Ensure that @Launch works with @beforeeach
#26711 - When using @QuarkusMainTest and @Launch, junit @beforeeach is executed after launching the app
#26187 - Resteasy-reactive runs out of direct buffer memory when processing large multipart messages
#24283 - JBoss Threads version logging in tests
#4644 - ObjectMapperCustomizer with Hibernate5Module for lazyloading
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