OpenFermion v0.4
Fourth production release. This is a major update introducing many new features:
- Added (alpha version) of a "cloud library" for sharing / storing molecular data files.
- Added routines for generating special FermionOperators such as Sz, S^2, S^+, etc.
- Added SymbolicOperator as parent class from which FermionOperator/QubitOperator inherit.
- Added flexible method of initializing classes derived from SymbolicOperators from strings.
- Fixed some numerical instabilities in sparse operator routines.
- Fixed some minor bugs with the saving and loading of FermionOperator/QubitOperator.
- Added some preliminary routines for generating quantum phase estimation circuits.
- Added substantial infrastructure for generalized fermion transforms based on arXiv:1712.07067.
- Added non-linear encoders for transforming fermions with reduced spatial complexity.
- Changed conventions for how fermion modes are ordered in terms of the spin index.
- Added routines to transform functions for reordering fermion modes prior to transform.
- New demos for Given routine procedures and generalized fermion encodings.